Playlist of my life songs

Thursday, 12 November 2020 / Published in Self Care

The Soundtrack of My Life: Songs Currently on My Playlist

Music is such a huge part of my life. I dont sing (very well), and I dont play an instrument (again, not very well), but I love listening to music. My husband and I are very different when it comes to music. He is very much a track guy. He gets really caught up in the instruments, the sounds, the beats, the bass, and the rhythm. I, on the other hand, am a lyricist. It doesnt matter (that much) to me what the song sounds like as long as the lyrics are saying the right things. I love good lyrics. Good ones get stuck in my head, and I find myself repeating them over and over. (My family loves it when this happens! ^insert sarcastic tone^) I keep a playlist thats titled Cheriths Playlist, which is pretty indicative of my life at that particular time. Some of the songs on Cheriths Playlist have been there for quite some time, and some get replaced as needed to match the space Im in at that particular time. Right now, these are the songs that are currently representing the soundtrack of my life.

Jump Ahead to

  • Drakes Started from the Bottom
  • Beyonces Run the World
  • Bruno Mars Just the Way You Are
  • India.Aries Video
  • Jill Scotts He Loves Me
  • India.Aries Get it Together
  • Andy Grammers Fresh Eyes

Drakes Started from the Bottom

This song makes me think back on all that Ive accomplished in life. Years ago, I set goals for myself and its nice to look back and see how many of those goals Ive been able to accomplish. Not only that, I can look at my husband and children and see their growth over the year. We have so many other goals, and this song definitely gets me hyped up and excited about working to reach them.

Beyonces Run the World

I mean, duh, why not? This song gets me excited and encouraged, especially when I think about all the women in my life who are doing major things. I mean, I have all kinds of girlfriends who are killing it in male-dominant industries. I am blessed to be surrounded by the most fabulous female school leaders, medical professionals, attorneys, entrepreneurs, and engineers. Who run the world? Girls!

Bruno Mars Just the Way You Are

You wanna talk about a feel-good song? This is the one! Brunos voice will have you thinking that he is singing it directly to you. Its hard not to feel good while listening to this song.

India.Aries Video

You dont have to listen to this song very long to know why its on my list. Just look at these lyrics:

When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me

Every freckle on my face is where its supposed to be

And I know my creator didnt make no mistake on me

My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes, Im loving what I see

Jill Scotts He Loves Me

A few weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage. Weve been together for 25 years. At this point, Im convinced that he loves me and this song makes me think about our love for each other. Our favorite saying is that were not perfect, but were perfect for each other. This songs lyrics say it so well.

India.Aries Get it Together

I really could have made a playlist with just my favorite India.Arie songs on it. Seriously. So many of her songs have lyrics that speak to me. Anytime Im feeling discouraged, this song is one of my go-tos:

Cause the words that come from your mouth, youre the 1st to hear

Speak words of wisdom and you will be there.

No matter what anybody says

What matters most is what you think of yourself

Andy Grammers Fresh Eyes

I do have to admit that even though I love the lyrics of this song, its the beat for me! (Isnt that what the young uns are saying now?) This song is so catchy and the lyrics are pretty cool, too!

Well, there you have it. These are the songs that are currently on my playlist. What song(s) are you currently crushing on? Comment below so that I can check it out and maybe add it to my playlist.

If you have Apple Music and want to listen to my playlist, click here.

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Tagged under: music, playlist

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