PHP Max Input Vars 1000 minimum 5000 is required

How do you fix PHP setting max_input_vars must be at least 5000?

If you created your own PHP. ini file, then add the same code inside it: max_input_vars = 5000 Simply change the value to the recommended value. For example, 5000. Save your changes, and reboot your localhost or your server.

What is PHP max input vars?

The PHP Max Input Vars is the maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function. To work properly with a modern WordPress theme set this value to 3000. If the value is too low, you may experience problems such as lost data within your Theme Options and disappearing widgets.

How do I increase PHP max input vars limit in WordPress?

You can increase the PHP Max Input Vars Limit by adding lines to the . htaccess file, php. ini or wp-config. php.

How do you increase the maximum input vars limit?

How to Increase the Max Input Vars Limit.
In your WordPress root installation locate any of these .htaccess , php.ini , .user.ini or wp-config.php..
Edit the file and paste the directive code..
Once you are done making changes save the file..

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