on drugs là gì - Nghĩa của từ on drugs

on drugs có nghĩa là

Drugs are chemicals that alter, block, or mimic chemical reactions in the brain. This causes an alteration of the body's normal processes, causing physical (Faster heartbeat, deeper respiration etc.), or mental (Elevated mood, new thought processes etc.) changes.

Drugs are used for a myriad of purposes, from anaesthesia, to psychotherapy, to just being able to wake up in the morning (Caffeine).

Drugs that are used for personal pleasure (often illegally) are called Recreational Drugs. Traditional RD's include marijuana, alcohol (Yes, it is a drug), MDMA (ecstasy), mushrooms, LSD, methamphetamine, heroin, crack/cocaine. Recreational drugs come under many criticisms, and praise by opponents, and users alike. Some believe the use of RD's to be immoral, and life-threatening, while others believe that new and thoughtful insights can come from drug use (especially psychedelics like mushrooms, and LSD)

Other drugs include caffeine, psychedelic mushrooms diphenhydramine, dimehydrinate, mesculine, morphine, dextromethorphan, PCP, and chocolate (Chocolate contains theobromine, which is an effective cough suppressant, possibly more effective than cough syrups, which are also drugs. Theobromine has mild mood elevating effects. It's also the reason you don't feed chocolate to your pets.)


Contrary to popular belief, drugs are not for stupid people. Stupid people are the reason that recreational substances cause such a problem in society.

If used responsibly, drugs can bring about new insights, and positive life changes, or can be used to just sit back and relax after a hard day's work. They can leave you with a better, and renewed appreciation of life. (This is usually the work of psychedelics) Keep in mind that responsible drug use is just that: responsible. Using certain drugs with high addiction potential, like cocaine, crack, heroin, and methamphetamine to name a few, is not responsible, unless you have amazing willpower.

Substances like marijuana, MDMA, and LSD to name a few can all be used responsibly, and can be very fun, but if used often, they can be detrimental to your health. LSD could warp your very perspectives on life to the point where you can't even look at certain things the same way anymore. Ecstasy is a neurotoxin which can leave you with long term depression. Finally, heavy marijuana use will damage your lungs (If smoked), and can leave you very unmotivated, and lethargic. It will also cause a mild cognitive impairment that will disappear after cessation of use.

In closing to this long rant, if you're intelligent, drugs won't make you stupid. If used responsibly, drugs can be a catalyst to a better, more motivated, and eventful life. As long as your drug use doesn't cross into other areas of your life (Work, school, social) you'll be alright.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you're an idiot and use drugs because it's hella fun, and cool, and you use them chronically, then they will probably catalyze your downfall. Especially if you blow guys at parties for your fix.

If you don't want to use drugs, that's fine, I respect that, and your friends should too. But please, all anti-drug people out there, don't bitch at people for doing them, and telling them that they are fucking up their lives. Unless they actually are. Blowing guys are parties, doing crack everyday, robbing convienience stores for drug money, and smoking pot in class are all signs that your friend is a fuck-up who needs to stop drugs.

Remember, it's not the drugs people use, it's the people who use them.

on drugs có nghĩa là

Things that are taken to help people deal with boring, suck-ass reality.


Drugs that are illegal got that way because they work.

on drugs có nghĩa là

People used to explore the dimensions of reality by taking LSD to make the world look weird. The world is weird & they take PROZAC to make it look normal...


Whatever happened to SEX DRUGS and ROCK n' ROLL
Now all we have is AID CRACK and TECHNO
(There is nothin' wrong wit techno...)
...or is there

on drugs có nghĩa là

some idiots don't seem to realise that caffeine is a psychoactive. Even cocoa contains a drug. And let's not forget alcohol...


Alcohol is perfectly legal but many other recreational drugs are not. Only because alocohol is better at sedating the masses.

on drugs có nghĩa là

A substance which alters one's physical, mental or emotional state.


Cocaine, X-TC and caffine are all drugs.

on drugs có nghĩa là

Drugs are a life choice. Good or bad, it is something people do. When used as a part of a person's entertainment budget, they are generally as harmless as any other recreational activity. When a person over does a drug whether it be marijuana cocaine or ecstasy, it becomes negative. The same could be said for any indulgent recreational activity (Obsessed with : gaming (WoW/Evercrack), sports (gambling), a girlfriend/boyfriend) Anything good is meant to be enjoyed in moderation and not taken to hardcore extremes. People who do drugs deal with the negative consequences of their own vices. While you can't deny that drugs may change somebody's personality, nobody is perfect to begin with, so it really doesnt matter. It may be hard for a non-drug user to understand how a person can accept something as sacred as their own personality being altered, and that is probably why the concept is bothersome to them. A few things to note:
-A casual drug habit does not kill you.
-Smoking weed will probably affect your memory. Big deal. And to those who are sheltered from the real world, everybody smokes weed.
-Cocaine will make you do some stupid shit. Theres a reason why it rhymes with insane.
-Overuse of psychedelics will make it hard to think in the future, this is true.
-If the substance is known as addictive such as meth, heroin, coke and crack, you will probably get addicted to it if you try it and have ready access to it.


I have sat around smoking weed for months at a time relaxing to the extreme and not worrying about anything. I have seen all existence as a singular point in time and space while on mushrooms. I have acted as outrageously as Rick James while on cocaine. I have had sex on Ecstasy more times than I can count. Yeah, I have trouble remembering shit sometimes. Once in a while I feel like theres something I should understand that I don't. Sometimes I regret blowing thousands of dollars that I have nothing to show for. But the fact of the matter is that everybody has these same problems, and I know plenty of people who have never done drugs who have far less to show for their time in this world than I do, who have never experienced the things I have and never will.

on drugs có nghĩa là

Mankind's way of borrowing happiness from the future at a high interest rate.


After a night of drinking, popping pills, and snorting coke, the addict wakes up to the reality that they continually try to escape via drugs and lots of masturbation.

on drugs có nghĩa là

Any substance or action that you don't do.


Student 1: You do the Homework?
Student 2: Nah, nigga, Homework is drugs.

on drugs có nghĩa là



im on drugs ....

on drugs có nghĩa là

Drugs are a very broad category of things that can really make a guy act like a complete ass. He will then proceed to blame the drugs because he was stupid and thirsty from them.


Man, I do not remember anything about last night, must have been the drugs. Oh wait, shhhiiiitt............

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