Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

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  • You have to install and use remote desktop services. That however is licensed separate.

    Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022
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  • Justin1250 wrote:

    You have to install and use remote desktop services. That however is licensed separate.

    And don't forget the CALs!  MS is going to want all of their fees!

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  • Are you confusing the licensing related to VMs in Standard vs Datacenter?  A DC license licenses unlimited Windows Server OSes on that host, where Std only licenses 2.

    I don't see any differences regarding RDS here:

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  • You can run the RDS role with Standard and Datacenter Edition of Windows Server, what cost per user or per device are the CALS.

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  • Jim4232 wrote:

    And don't forget the CALs!  MS is going to want all of their fees!

    And rightfully so. They provide a product that we PAY for. I have that same situation at the grocery store and at the car dealership....I want something, I pay for it.

  • BicycleRiderUSCF wrote:

    Jim4232 wrote:

    And don't forget the CALs!  MS is going to want all of their fees!

    And rightfully so. They provide a product that we PAY for. I have that same situation at the grocery store and at the car dealership....I want something, I pay for it.

    Well, they have the right to charge however they wish for their product. However, in the case of CALs, we've already paid for the server (whose purpose is to 'serve') and we've likely paid for the clients; now they want us to pay to use one with the other.

    In your car-dealership example, it would be similar to buying a truck and a trailer, and then having to pay an additional fee to use the trailer with the truck.

    So be careful with your comparisons. MS has the right to earn more as you use the software to connect more clients but arguments can be made against this.

    MS's alternative would be to sell servers as '5 user version', '10 user version', etc. Which I suspect is difficult for them, both technically and logistically.

  • MCEStaff wrote:

    BicycleRiderUSCF wrote:

    Jim4232 wrote:

    And don't forget the CALs!  MS is going to want all of their fees!

    And rightfully so. They provide a product that we PAY for. I have that same situation at the grocery store and at the car dealership....I want something, I pay for it.

    Well, they have the right to charge however they wish for their product. However, in the case of CALs, we've already paid for the server (whose purpose is to 'serve') and we've likely paid for the clients; now they want us to pay to use one with the other.

    In your car-dealership example, it would be similar to buying a truck and a trailer, and then having to pay an additional fee to use the trailer with the truck.

    So be careful with your comparisons. MS has the right to earn more as you use the software to connect more clients but arguments can be made against this.

    MS's alternative would be to sell servers as '5 user version', '10 user version', etc. Which I suspect is difficult for them, both technically and logistically.

    In most states you have to license your truck and trailer separately at the DMV. Just because you license your truck doesn't mean the trailer is covered.

  • Wallywar wrote:

     so that multiple people from my department could remote into it.

    Is this just for admin use?  Or do you mean end users?Windows Server allows for 2 admins to RDP in, for admin purposes, with no additional licensing.

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  • Thanks for the help everyone. I see that I was miss understanding that I would need to license the Remote Desktop as a separate thing. Thanks again.

This guide will explain how to allow multiple sessions in a Windows VPS. A common usage case for this would be to allow a developed application or a remotely accessed support desktop. Additionally, there will be some information on where to purchase the RDS CAL license directly from Microsoft to allow for many users.

It may be best to consider a higher specification VPS or a Dedicated Server if you wish to use more than 3 users per machine, as the overall performance of the VPS will degrade per user.

How to Enable Multiple Remote Desktop (RDP) Sessions

Step 1. Connect to the Windows Server session by RDP.

Step 2. Click The Search button next to the start menu (Windows 2016) or typing into the start menu (Windows Server 2012)

Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

Step 3. Enter in gpedit.msc

Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

Step 4. Once Group Policy Editor had loaded, navigate to Computer Configuration, next Administrative Templates, then Windows Components, Remote Desktop Services, and Remote Desktop Session host.

Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022
Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

Step 5. From there, you should see a folder marked as Connections. Click on it.

Step 6. Next right click with your mouse on Limit Number of Connections and click Edit.

Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

Step 7. From there, you can set the number to the limit you wish to have or turn it off.

Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

To access more than two sessions at a time, you will want to purchase an RDS Cal license from a certified provider. You can purchase a Remote Desktop Service Client Access License from Microsoft.

Step 8. Next, click Next Setting until you are at the Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop Services session screen so you can edit this setting.

Multi Remote Desktop Windows Server 2022

Step 9. In this window, you can click Disabled to turn off the user restrictions.

Step 10. Finally, reboot the server from your Cloud Control Overview page, and the group policy changes should automatically apply.

Reversing These Changes

The process to reverse the changes is easy. You would follow the same steps above and set the desired Group Policies to Not Configured and select Enabled or Disabled.