Mental health Nursing research topics

Mental health Nursing research topics
Hamed Delam
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
What do you think are the most important psychological disorders associated with COVID-19?
72 answers
What do you think are the most important psychological disorders associated with COVID-19?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Beatrice Koigi
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
What is the understanding of postnatal depression?
5 answers
I am looking for a good question for my masters degree in mental health nursing please
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Nutmeg Hallett
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Are there any scales to measure the therapeutic relationship in mental health nursing?
4 answers
I am planning some research and would like to include a measure of therapeutic relationships in inpatient mental health nursing. Are there any validated scales that can be given to patients and staff?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Donna Rolin
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program.
3 answers
Where and when was the 1st PMHNP program administered?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Pontus Höglund
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Mental illness and decisionmaking competence: does anyone know of interview studies with psychiatric professionals on this subject?
3 answers
In my thesis I ask forensic psychiatric professionals on their experiences of mental illness and accountability. Even though accountability is a similar concept to SMD it denotes some different details.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Carlos Melo-Dias
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Is there Research on Literacy of Patient with Experience of Mental Illness?
9 answers
One of my actual associate studies and research is about Literacy of Patient with Experience of Mental Illness Methods of Health Education and Psychoeducation in Mental Health Nursing.
We really think that we have to do also something with the patient around literacy and not only with the healthy ones
So, developing some of the variables in the study, within conducting an integrated review, we confront ourselves with the need of fully acknowledge all articles and studies selected for the research, and don´t rest easy with secondary citations.
In order to achieve some of the papers and articles and studies with struggle online and personal contacts, nevertheless we cant find the original and complete text of the article Health education as social policy of Simonds, S. K published in 1974.
As anyone know this article?
Do you agree that contributes to this study about Methods of Health Education and Psychoeducation in Mental Health Nursing?
Or just generic and does not contribute in a meaningful way?
Thanks in advance
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Karen Swain
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Does anyone have a couple of resources R/T mental health nursing and relationship building with adolescents?
6 answers
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Stephanie Parsons
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
I am trying to find The Attitudes toward Acute Mental Health Scale (Baker et al, 2005), can anyone point me in the right direction please?
4 answers
My research topic is to assess the attitudes of student mental health nurses towards people with serious mental illnesses so I am trying to find any measures to test this. However, a week of searching different domains has led me to a dead end. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Stephy Joseph
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Which scale is good for the mental health of prisoners children?
3 answers
Can anyone tell about the scale? If you have that scale please mentioned it. I want to work on it
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Margaret mary Touw
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
I am trying to locate the authors of the Lateral Violence Among Nurses Survey to obtain permission to use their tool in my research?
3 answers
The instrument was published in Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 28:12471265, 2007. The authors are Karen Stanley, Mary Martin, Yvonne Michel, John Welton and Lynn Nemeth. The instrument publication was limited to the pilot study (attached). Searches to locate the authors have been futile. Karen Stanley's email address associated with the article is no longer in use. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.
    Y 2007.pdf
    216.12 KB
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Charlotte Tolley
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
I am interested in the effectiveness of mental health services for deaf service users, can anyone help?
4 answers
I am in my final year of my Mental health nursing degree and Birmingham City University. I am looking into the effectiveness of mental health services for deaf and hard of hearing service users, I am looking both for the professional and services users views. If anyone can recommend any published research that would be a big help, I have requested quite a few however I am still awaiting replies.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Carol Janet Silverman
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Good outcome measures for people in locked mental health inpatient settings?
12 answers
Are there good outcome measures for individual who are in acute and subacute inpatient mental health settings.
The obvious ones are discharge to the community and not returning to an inpatient setting for some period of time. But are there other scales or indicators that you know that might be used?
The difficulty is that for the majority of individuals we do not have a way of tracking them after discharge, so the ideal measure would be one that could be administered upon entry and discharge.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Pontus Höglund
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Mental illness and decisionmaking competence: does anyone know of interview studies with next of kin to psychiatric patients on this subject?
10 answers
Just as uncertain that I am aboutthe interestof this perspective in the scientific World I am just as convinced about it gains if conducted.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Tawanda Machingura
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Can anyone advise me on an effective Psychosocial Rehabilitation Readiness Assessment?
6 answers
I am looking for an effective tool to use for determining who is suitable for entry into a mental health rehabilitation facility/ continuing care unit. A standardised tool will be great. We are trying to utilise the facility for those with the best potential to benefit from mental health rehabilitation. Please attach a copy or link to a tool that you may suggest. Thank you for your help.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Nolundi Radana
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Displace Mental Health Care Users: Whose responsibility?
4 answers
In my province it's not a rare thing to see mentally ill people roaming the streets. Often a times they've proved to be a danger to the other citizens. About two years back there has been a spate of attacks on other people,with one recorded fatality.. .the question arises what are the provisions of the Act? Who is responsible to see that they get the necessary care and management without posing a danger to the society at large?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Emilene Reisdorfer
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Does anyone have research experience related to mental health nursing scope of practice?
5 answers
Questionnaires related to nursing scope of practice
What questionnaires are you using?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Ann Marie Burke
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Dose anyone have a questionnaire on the effects of suicide?
5 answers
I'm looking for a questionnaire to carry out a small study on the effects of suicide on mental health nurses. I'm finding it very difficult to find one.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Stacey Stacey
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
What has been the major changes in the role of the mental health nurse since 1950`s?
6 answers
  • What was their role and any reference
  • what has been the major cause of the change in the mental health nurse profession
  • what has legislation got to do with the role of the mental heath nurse
  • has changing the level of work mhn do has this impacted on them or service users in any way
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Adriana Foster
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Looking for a validated scale of functioning to use in an integrated mental health-primary care program
12 answers
I am looking for a short, sensitive, validated scale of function to add to the outcome measures in an integrated behavioral health-primary care program. The scale will ideally be self rated. We are seeking to show function improvement beyond symptom rating scales like PHQ9 and GAD7.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Gearóid Brennan
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Is there a way of linking educational interventions with 'big data' sets to see effect on patient/public outcomes?
8 answers
I'm looking a developing a research proposal around physical health in SMI. While there are quite a lot of education interventions evident in the literature, how do these translate into practice and can we show that they improve patient outcomes? I figured it might be a way of taping into the routine data that is collected in NHS Scotland already?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Natalie Conley
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
How do we prepare student nurses for managing trauma in the clinical areas?
19 answers
Student nurses often experience references to self harm and suicide and experience or witness tragic events. How do we prepare or evaluate learning in such circumstances?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Liz Si
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
How are Intellectual Disability Nurses perceived by nurses from other disciplines?
1 answer
Are Intellectual Disability Nurses perceived differently to other nurses?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Neletta Fredelake
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Can anyone help this DNP student find some published mental health nursing simulation models?
4 answers
My capstone project is developing a mental health simulation program for ADN students.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Dave Rainforth
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Is anyone aware of any independent non medical prescribing within mental health?
5 answers
I work within a assessment team in mental health and am looking at expanding my role in prescribing within this team, is anyone aware of other nurses in mental health using prescribing within an assessment team and what tools if any they use to measure patient satisfaction and outcomes.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Natalie Ann Cutler
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Does anyone know of a tool for measuring safety in mental health services?
3 answers
I'm interested in how safety is understood and measured by health service providers. What tools for measuring safety are out there at the local or larger levels?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Antoinette Burrage
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Is there any type of screening for Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in health care workers?
2 answers
Health care workers.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Natalie Conley
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Is anyone studying using simulation in mental health undergraduate courses?
17 answers
Clinical placement spaces for students are becoming harder to find as community care becomes the more appropriate direction for people with mental health problems. this potentially leaves an experiential gap for nursing students who have to complete 240 hours of clinical practice in mental health for New Zealand nursing registration. Has simulation in mental health progressed enough to consider simulation as clinical practice? what is the best approach, standardised actors and do we have to develop standardised scenarios and algorithms to maintain accuracy in assessment? Has anyone adapted Lasaters rubric to mental health simulation?
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Jennifer Lynnae Garcia
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
What neurobiological factors cause fecal incontinence in children 8 years or older post-trauma? What treatments exist?
7 answers
8 year old child that does not have ADHD or any biological dysfunction states the sensation to defecate is not felt. Additionally, constipation does not exist. Child was traumatized from age 5-6 years of age.
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Mental health Nursing research topics
Oluyinka Adejumo
  • asked a question related to Mental Health Nursing
Not much attention is given to older persons using illicit substances. I am scheduled to give a talk on "geriatric junkies" (may sound disrespectful)
14 answers
Any ideas from my colleagues? This may be more of a problem than what we always think about.
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Kathryn Ruef
I hope you found the information you were looking for. If this is a topic you will be pursuing, you'll definitely want to look into alcohol and prescription medication abuse. This is one of the most rapidly growing problems being discussed right now. Not that the abuse hasn't been here before, but it is now being recognized and considered as its own issue among older populations, rather than those behaviors being accredited to dementia or depression.
NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) has some good information on drug abuse among again populations. Check out their website at (search terms: "older adults drug abuse" will get you relevant results)
Also, check the NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information ( the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) they published that would probably be of good use, and you can download the pdf file free.
For some quick information, check out the article at AddictionInfo: