kirby là gì - Nghĩa của từ kirby

kirby có nghĩa là

A little fat-ass puffball thing that constantly eats food. And floats around like some gay fairy.


Wow dude that guy was a total kirby


kirby có nghĩa là

A deceitfully cute Nintendo character who sucks in enemies and swallows them to gain abilities. Despite his cute and cuddly exterior, his games are usually challenging.


If man achieves anything as good as Kirby Superstar, we will have to destroy ourselves to prevent any dissapointments.

kirby có nghĩa là

The god standard for men. Often used to compare other men to. Is said to exist only in the lust-filled imagination of women everywhere.
A kirby is a master of the sexual arts and is an amazing lover. Often citing his 36 orgasm minimum rule, the women who are lucky enough to be with a kirby are always allowed to miss work for a few days of bed-rest from sheer exhaustion.
It is said that a kirby can also make a woman orgasm by merely thinking about her. This is true of course, but he rarely ever does this since the orgasm is often so violent as to cause what people today call 'earthquakes'.
His sense of humor is incredible. In fact instead of breaking up with a woman and condemning her to a hellish life without him, a kirby will often make her orgasm while making her laugh. This combination is very lethal. It makes him sad to see her go, but at least she died happy (and satisfied).
A kirby's intelligence knows no bounds. He knows pretty much everything, and if he doesn't know something he makes it up, but he knows how to bend space and time to make that which he made up true.


My friend Sara went out with a kirby last year, she missed alot of work, something about bed rest. It was sad when she passed away, but at least she died happy (and satisfied).

kirby có nghĩa là

1. a pink, ballooned shaped video game character who features the ability to suck up enemies. Kirby is owned by Nintendo and has been in more than 15 video games (even more if you count his Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee appearances).

2. because of a similar color, the name kirby is used to describe a women's clitoris.

3. (less commonly used) a Kirby is the name for a massage that ends with a happy ending.


1. Tom: Did you buy the new kirby game?
Steve: Those games are for kids, besides all Kirby does is suck (laughs).

2. Mike: So what happened after the party with you and Cindy?
John: Let's just say I got close but I never saw a "Kirby".

3. Jim: After the massage, I slipped her $1000 dollars in chinese money, and she gave me hand.
Sam: Damn I wish I had gotten a "Kirby".

kirby có nghĩa là

endless potential


you have kirby, take it and run

kirby có nghĩa là

originally a pink, balloon-like video-game character created by nintendo. (apparently, he also has his own tv show now.) the term kirby is now used to describe a womans clitoris. they both share the same color and swell up when aggravated. clitoris, clit


i was beating her kirby, and then she came all over my backseat.

kirby có nghĩa là

A really fun, nice person. Kirby is really pretty and always has time for her friends! She loves talking and writing.


Wow, I wish I knew a kirby!

kirby có nghĩa là

#1: a.k.a. better then yoshi

#2: a very good example that even when you suck
u dont have to be a bad person, u see no one is perfect
we are all just people/monster from videogames

#3: a good way to get thumb down, for definiting kirbi on UD, from kirby haters, yoshi lovers, people haters, English proffesors (i know my gramar is bad), myself and of course from jack thompson-ye yoshi and jack are good friends cuz
yoshi has kept jack in bussines by showing young kids
another way of killin ppl *lick, lick-DIE!! DIE!!*


Example #1:
NintendoFanboy#1: Yo kirby is so much better then yoshi.
NintendoFanboy#2: No way! Yoshi licks yours kirbys mushroom up!
NintendoFanboy#1: DIE!!!
NintendoFanboy#2: DIE!!!
*2 nerds dead, 1000000000000000000000 to go*

Example #2:
jesus loves ya all (expect emos and yankees)

Example #3:
i hate u and im so much better the u
*lookin in the mirror and givin myself a thumb down on UD*

kirby có nghĩa là

A name given to a member of a group known as the New Kirbish Rebellion. This member is an annoyer, with the sole purpose to annoy. They can normally be found on the Roleplaying boards on Neopets, hunting for despie boards to raid. Their goal is to steer the despies away. Once conquering the board, they (in character) stick a flag into the ground, claiming it.

The kirbies originate from a group called the annoyers, who were formed back in Neopets early years. The kirbies have existed since about 2001.


Kirby 1: omfgzz, let's raid!
Kirby 2: lol fosho!
Despie: *in character* And Mary walked by Johnny, her luscious blonde hair flying out behind her.
Kirby 3: *in character* but the poor Mary trips on a rock and falls and gets a concussion and dies. :D
Kirbies: hurrah! *sticks flag into ground*

kirby có nghĩa là

London slang originating in Fulham. A derogatory term for a certain type of unpleasent person from Australia, New Zealand or South Africa who now lives in the UK. The word is most often applied to women but can be used to describe men or even places.

Kirbies are fond of alcohol/ drugs and all the associated behaviour. Common traits are slight stupidity, vanity, aggressively sexual behaviour, an irritating put on laught and/ or voice. The women are usually blonde (or died blonde) and the men are often large rugby playing types (or wannabees)

This word could be concidered quite offensive as it shows a complete ignorance of three very different countries.


Alex: Oh my gosh you see those girls?!
Lauren: Proper Kirbys!

Tom: I'm not really feeling Zulus tonight
Gary: I know, it's too much of a Kirby bar.

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