How we perceive the increase in the size of an object on the retina?

Material below summarizes the article Computation of Object Size in Visual Cortical Area V4 as a Neural Basis for Size Constancy, published on August 26, 2015, in JNeurosci and authored by Shingo Tanaka and Ichiro Fujita.

Perceiving the sizes of visual objects appears to be a simple perceptual experience in which no big scientific conundrum exists. Contrary to this intuitive impression, size perception involves complex neural processes and is not determined solely by the size of object images projected onto the retina.

A notable example is that we perceive the size of an object to be relatively stable despite changes in the size of its retinal image that accompany changes in viewing distance. For example, when a car is moving away from us, we perceive this car as getting gradually further away, not gradually shrinking in size, although the retinal image size of the car changes in a similar way between the two cases. This phenomenon, called size constancy, is accomplished by combining retinal image size and distance information in our brain.

The importance of distance information in size perception has been known for 2,000 years since the time of Ptolemaeus in ancient Rome. Yet, where and how the computation for size constancy is performed in the brain remains poorly understood.

Neurons in various visual cortical areas respond preferentially to a particular range of sizes of visual stimuli. As a stimulus becomes larger, their responses typically become stronger up to a peak, then decline and stabilize. It has been believed that the responses in many visual cortical areas are tuned to retinal image size of an object, rather than to the size of the object itself. However, the neurons that represent retinal image size are not sufficient to fulfill the size constancy. The visual system has to combine image size and distance information to calculate the object size.

If neurons encode the size of an object, their preference for retinal image size should systematically vary with the observer-to-object distance. They should prefer a larger image when an object is located at a nearer position and a smaller image when it is located at a more distant position.

We searched for such neurons by recording visual responses of single neurons in area V4, a mid-tier visual cortical area along the object vision pathway, of behaving macaque monkeys. We used binocular disparity embedded in random dot stereograms (RDSs) to manipulate the distance of a target object. This allowed us to change the size and the perceived distance of a target object without changing any monocular visual cues. Therefore, any effects on the neuronal response to the image size by changing binocular disparity can be taken as evidence for effects of changing (perceived) distance.

We found that most V4 neurons change their size tuning depending on the perceived distance of a visual stimulus. They prefer larger retinal image sizes when stimuli are stereoscopically presented nearer and smaller retinal image sizes when stimuli are presented farther away. This is exactly the property of neurons that express object size should have. These neurons can provide a possible mechanism for perceptual size constancy by transmitting information about the actual object size, not simply the retinal image size.

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Computation of Object Size in Visual Cortical Area V4 as a Neural Basis for Size Constancy. Shingo Tanaka, Ichiro Fujita. The Journal of Neuroscience August 2015, 35(34): 12033-12046; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2665-14.2015

About the Contributors

Ichiro Fujita is a professor at Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences.

Shingo Tanaka is a postdoctoral researcher at the Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University. His research started in molecular biology and switched to cognitive neuroscience. His ongoing research explores the neural mechanism of the value-based decision making in the prefrontal cortex.


Visual angles are the angles of objects relative to an individual’s eyes. That is, if we drew lines from the top and bottom of an object and extended those lines to your eyes, we would have the visual angle of that object. This angle represents the size of the image tha the object has on the retina. The larger the angle the larger the retinal image.

To make this point more concrete, think of throwing a ball to a friend several yards away. When the ball ball leaves your hand, its retinal image is a certain size defined by the angle the size of the obect has at your eye. As the ball moves away from you, the retinal image size of the ball shrinks as the distance increases.

Use this activity to see how retinal image size depends upon the distance and the size of the object.


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To see the illustration in full screen, which is recommended, press the Full Screen button, which appears at the top of the page.

Illustration Tab


Below is a list of the ways that you can alter the illustration. The settings include the following:

Red Arrow Position: moves the red arrow closer or farther from the eye.
The two arrows are matched: Selecting Physically makes the two arrows have the same physical size. Selecting Retinal Image Size adjusts the size of the red arrow so that it will always have the same retinal image size as the blue (fixed) arrow.
Show Data: when checked, summary data such as the arrow eight, distance from the eye, and the angleb (retinal image size) are presented.


Pressing this button restores the settings to their default values.

How does perceived size change with distance?

Visually perceiving the sizes of objects near and far is an everyday occurrence. Even though the visual angle subtended by an object at the point of observation shrinks as physical distance increases, perceived size of the object remains approximately the same (Gruber, 1954).

How do I determine image size on retina?

L′ = D′ × (L/D). L′, retinal image size; L, maximum letter height; D, distance from the principle point to the nodal point = 5.55 mm + working distance of the test; D′, distance between the nodal point and the retina = 16.67 mm.

What is the relationship between image size on the retina and distance?

Emmert's law states that objects that generate retinal images of the same size will look different in physical size (linear size) if they appear to be located at different distances. Specifically, the perceived linear size of an object increases as its perceived distance from the observer increases.

Does an object appear larger when the observer is closer or farther away from it?

As an object gets closer, the visual angle increases, so the object appears larger. As the object moves farther away, the visual angle decreases, making the object appear smaller.

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