How to write recommendation in report

From the word itself “recommendation”, it is a statement that suggests what would be good or what is suitable for something. You have to make a lot of persuasion to convince your readers that is the best thing that you should do. It may help you improve a system, develop something new or change the previous idea into something better that would your organization grow. Have you heard about recommendation reports? If not, this is you chance to get to know about it. Just like any other business report or school report, recommendation report also follows a certain format. In this article, you will be able to know about recommendation reports and how are you going to create one.

11+ Recommendation Report Examples

1. Recommendation Report Template

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2. Recommendation Report Example

3. Consulting Recommendation Report

4. Sample Recommendation Report

5. Recommendation And Feasibility Report

6. Construction Committee Recommendation Report

7. Project Recommendation Report

8. School Recommendation Report

9. Audit Recommendation Status Report

10. Attendance Recommendation Report

11. Staff Recommendation Report

12. Recommendation Report Sample

What is a Recommendation Report?

A recommendation report is written specifically for the purpose of having to propose or recommend something to fill a need. Its primary goal is to recommend an option and support that recommendation. Other than recommending an option, it is also designed to look for possible solutions to problems.

For example:

In technology, problems are often resolved with a technical upgrade. For instance, you put dual airbags in cars because people too often don’t use seat belts, and airbags prevent further injury even when seat belts are used. The problem here, which motivates people to improve a process, is that people continue to sustain severe injuries despite the availability of seat belts and dual airbags. Taking this one step further, some car companies (like Volvo) are not installing side airbags, in addition to the two in front, to protect people against side impacts, which often do not activate the two front airbags.

Steps in Writing a Recommendation Report

When you are writing a recommendation report, you have to describe and evaluate the situation and propose a solution to a problem. Stating facts would be easier for you to be able to reach for a decision. You may take a look at some recommendation templates as your guide.

1. Describe the Situation

You have to start by describing what you are evaluating.

2. Conduct a Research

It is always recommended to conduct a research for you to define what kind of methodology are you going to use when collecting the data. You may conduct online surveys, literature reading or conduct a one-on-one interview with your respondents. This will help you get ideas from others for you recommendation report.

3. Suggest an Idea

You may suggest about how to improve and develop skills, how to have an effective communication and how to have a good decision making skill. You may also consider putting details from the past results.

4. Summarize your Findings

To have an easier interpretation of your recommendation, you may use visual graphic organizers such as charts, table, diagrams, etc. You have to make everything realistic.

Factors to Consider When Writing Your Recommendation Report

First, you have to consider your target audience. They are the ones who will highly influence the contents written in your recommendation report. Second is your headings and subheadings. They will help the audience to better understand your reports with the facts that you have discussed. You should also have a strong content to make your report more effective. Ensure that you maintain a logical flow over the information. Most of all, you have to make your report as clear and as informative as possible. Make your recommendation report neat and effective.


How are you going to conclude your recommendation report?

Summarize your findings and acknowledge the recommendations discussed in your report.

How long should a recommendation report be?

Your recommendation report will depend on how long your data will be.

How do you state recommendations in a report?

Be clear with what you intend to recommend. As much as possible, provide an explanation about it.

Recommendation reports help you in providing ways on how to improve a particular procedure or method. You just have to follow the steps: describe the situation, conduct a research, suggest an idea and summarize your findings. Through this, you will be able to replace a better recommendation that is more suitable than the previous one.

What are the recommendations in a report?

Recommendations are given when a report provides information about the result of an investigation, research and /or inquiry. A matter is investigated because there is a problem or issue. The Recommendations state what is recommended to correct the problem or issue. Recommendations are usually numbered.

How is recommendation written?

Offer specific examples of skills or qualifications that match the role. Anecdote or example: Include a personal anecdote about what it's like to work with the candidate. Include any workplace or people skills you've observed them to possess. Closing: Give an overview of why you'd recommend this person.

What is the structure of a recommendation report?

A recommendation report is a paper that compares two or more products or solutions, and makes a recommendation about which is the best option. It includes seven parts: the introduction, background information, requirements, options, category-by-category comparisons, conclusions, and, finally, the recommendation.

What is recommendation in research example?

Recommendations in the research paper should also come from the data you have analysed. For example, the research found that people over 65 years of age are at greater risk of social isolation. Therefore, it is recommended that policies that are made for combating social isolation should target this specific group.

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