How can I improve my childs language development?

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Reading and speaking to our children, from a very young age, will help develop future readers! Here is a list of five ways to promote your child’s language development. They are easy, quick, and fun for both parent and child.

Simple language development activities

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Over the past few weeks I’ve welcomed many talented guest writers as we adjust to life with our new baby boy.  Today we have the privilege of hearing from the lovely and talented Amy of Wildflower Ramblings. Amy is another former teacher, M.Ed., turned stay-at-home-mom and blogger.  Follow her site for many play-based learning ideas!

Here’s Amy…

Learning language doesn’t begin once your child is in “school” — it starts at his or her first breath!  Here are five quick tips to improve your child’s languge development.

Simple language development activities

1. Read aloud often

Did you know that the most important way we help our children develop language is by reading to them, even as newborns?  Infants who are read to associate reading with comfort, while learning valuable language skills at the same time!  The first book I read to my son was The Runaway Bunny  — and from that day on, I vowed that I would read to him each day.

When you read to your children, you help build their vocabulary, teach them about the world around them, and so much more.  Read this post to learn ten reasons to read to your child.

Simple language development activities

2. Talk about books as you read them

Before reading, take a few minutes to do a picture walk.   Encourage your child to make predictions as you read.  These simple activities focus attention, get kids excited about literature, and promote comprehension – all while promoting language development!

Simple language development activities

3. Develop phonological awareness

Phonological and phonemic awareness sound like big teacher-y words, but don’t let those big words fool you!   They refer to the understanding of sounds within language – and teaching them is actually quite simple and fun!  Read this post to learn more about phonological awareness, and try these easy car games to help your child develop it!

Simple language development activities

4. Play rhyming games

Rhyming is one aspect of phonological awareness, and it’s so important it gets its own bullet point.   You can easily teach rhyming while cooking dinner or sitting in the waiting room! Find many fun rhyming activities – including free rhyming prompt cards! – here.

Simple language development activities

5. Read rhyming books

One of the best ways to develop rhyming is to read rhyming books together.  After your child is familiar with the story, leave out the rhyming words for him or her to fill in.  Here is a long list of high-quality, recommended books that rhyme with a free printable list to take to the library!

We are given such an amazing opportunity to help our children develop their language skills.   Provide quality books, talk about literature as you enjoy it together, play rhyming games,  and most importantly, have fun! Developing a lifelong love of learning and reading will benefit your child for a lifetime to come!

Simple language development activities

Amy Smith, M.Ed., writes about preschool and homeschooling at Wildflower Ramblings. As a former kindergarten teacher, she is passionate about interest-based learning and literacy. You may download her free eBook Early Literacy Stages or free ABC Lego Cards. You can connect with Amy through her weekly newsletter, on Facebook, and on Pinterest

What are 5 ways to increase language development?

5 Ways to Encourage Positive Language Development.
Narrate throughout the day. Explain what you're doing while you're with the child. ... .
Read often. Books provide a language that a child might not hear every day. ... .
Sing nursery songs together. ... .
Enunciate your words and never criticize their speech. ... .
Follow your student's lead..

What is the best way to encourage language development?

Here we look at simple ways encourage and enjoy your child's language development..
Get your child's attention. Face your child or sit down with them. ... .
Have fun together. ... .
Comments not questions. ... .
Give them time to think. ... .
Use simple language. ... .
Repeat what you say. ... .
Make it easier for them to listen. ... .
Build on what they say..

What are 4 ways that you can promote language development?

Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development.
Say sound like "ma," "da," and "ba." Try to get your baby to say them back to you..
Look at your baby when he makes sounds. ... .
Respond when your baby laughs or makes faces. ... .
Teach your baby to do what you do, like clapping your hands and playing peek-a-boo..

What are the three strategies for supporting language development?

7 ways to support language development.
1 | Use Comments. ... .
2 | Ask fewer questions. ... .
3 | Wait. ... .
4 | Be at the child's level. ... .
5 | Take Turns. ... .
6 | Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. ... .
7 | Make any time a talking time. ... .
Further support..