grosse pointe là gì - Nghĩa của từ grosse pointe

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

An affluent community which resides next to the wasteland/urban battlefield known as Detroit. "GP" as it is called by some, is a hotbed for money, teenage marijuana smoking, and a prodigious amount of alcohol thanks to expensive fake id's and lots of money.


Hey, Bob's having people over tonight, let's leave the GP bubble, hit up Cognac Castle, and avoid the fleet of cops on the way back.

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

A small quiet town next to the ghetto of Detroit where drugies roam free.....the po po stop all black people driving in grosse pointe....and the kids wonder why the hell do i have to live here.....


I hate grosse pointe.

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

a city filled with the rich. you wish you could live here, but we're glad you dont because you too poor. we drive our expensive cars, wear our expensive clothing and snort only THEE finest cocaine.


-"so where do you live"
-"grosse pointe"
-"o cool. wanna hang out"
-"Ummm...well you see i would, but umm im too rich for you"

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

A place where there are few actual black people, but many wanna-be's.


Samir is not black, he just wants to be.

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

A seemingly rich community from the outside, but once in there, you'll find a trailer park or two worth or trash. Not nearly as corrupted as everyone believes, there are just some who mess up and get attention. In all actuality, everyone else outside of Grosse Pointe is just a jealous bitch who wishes they could live here. Unfortunately for them, and thank god for us....they can't, because they couldn'y afford the rent on the shittiest place in town.


grosse pointe có nghĩa là

The Farms, The Woods, The Park, AND the City. Where it so important to keep up the appearance of affluence, that an individual will sell their soul to the devil to maintain thier address.


grosse pointe có nghĩa là

Middling-class Grosse Pointers whose social status has declined CONSIDERABLY the past two decades or so on account of regional economic decline, a burgeoning newly affluent group of parvenus, and their own personal financial misfortunes. While never as wealthy nor distinguished as some of their blue-blood, mansion-owning neighbors, this group once enjoyed a reasonable level of material comfort and local prominence back in the pre-cable TV, pre-PC, pre-internet, pre-cell phone age (nee' Cold War era) and tended to predominate in those avenues of community life usually considered "common": little league baseball, brownies and cub scouts, city and municipal gov't, ice cream socials, PTA, et al. Alas, since the Reagan presidency, this sub-culture, like the plight of most middle class Americans everywhere, has slowly dissolved away to the newer and more affluent types with their store-bought designer clothes, McMansions, strange accents, and even more questionable occupations in some cases. This has forced some GPers, as a means of survival, to choose either "trading up" - at the risk of being referred to derisively as "bourgoise", "new money", or "traitors to their former class" or a decidedly LESS inviting move "down market" at the further risk of being declared "declasse'." Those who try to stay as they are (somehow defying social gravity by hanging on by their fingernails), do so at the risk of acquiring the ambiguous and rather demeaning moniker "towney." People residing in this new-found purgatory give themselves away unintentionally but unmistakably: deferred maintenance and repairs on homes, older and/or used cars, worn and out-dated furniture, fewer social events, little or no holiday celebrations, et al. "Towney" in this context means precisely what it implies: residents of a notable town or prominent enclave who themselves possess neither the stature, influential ties, nor net worth of its more pedigreed citizenry and often find themselves "jobbed out" by such gentry, or scrounging for other meager income opportunities in order to make ends meet. This phenomenon, while specific to the above mentioned locale, is more than likely occurring in any number of formerly respectable pre-World War I communities across the United States.


The film adaptation of the novel "House Of Sand And Fog", while depicting an old Iranian family in social and economic decline (and their rather desperate attempts to camoflage said occurrence) could easily be transposed to reflect what a great many current (and former) Grosse Pointers are going through in light of changing times. Never with a bonafide pedigree and a sudden lower status, they become, in effect, Grosse Pointe Towneys. Oh, how the mighty have fallen !

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

A place where in the 60s 70s they payed black people to move out... They also have police who will arrest you if you have a pinch of ghetto in you... Rich people roam here... if you are black here you are NOT BE IN ANY WAY GHETTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be an oreo (black on outside white on inside)


hood rat from detroit :WADUP DOE!!!!!!!! Grosse Pointe person: honey did you see that detroiter??? oh thank God here come the police... hood rat from detroit: oh man that aint no fair why im getting arrested???!!! Police officer: because you are from detroit!

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

A city on the boarderline of detroit with a huge! drug epidemic the kids have so much money and nothing to do so they drink and use drugs, used to be cocaine and ecstasy but now has moved on to heroin and crack.


i'm going to go hang out in grosse pointe and smoke crack and shoot heroin and pop ecstasy and smoke weed and drink alcohol and pop every prescription pill possible and if any other random drug comes along will do that too all at the same time because we just have enough money and enough boredom to do it!

grosse pointe có nghĩa là

A place where kids can run off to if they get in trouble in detroit, the rich people will protect them there


Shit ive got three guys tryin to kill me, im goin to Grosse pointe' for a week or two.

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