Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Getting started

Giáo án VNEN unit 9: Festivals around the world : Getting started

Dưới đây là mẫu giáo án VNEN unit 9: Festivals around the world : Getting started. Bài học nằm trong chương trình tiếng Anh 7 tập 2. Bài mẫu có : văn bản text, file PDF, file word đính kèm. Thầy cô giáo có thể tải về để tham khảo. Hi vọng, mẫu giáo án này mang đến sự hữu ích.


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                         Lesson 1: Getting started  The Festival Project
- By the end of the lesson, students can: Use the lexical items related to the topic  Festivals around the world and read for specific information about an unusual festival.
1. Knowledge:
a. Grammar :      H/ wh  questions : review Abverbial phrases .
b. Lexical items : - type of festivals and festival activities .
c. Pronunciation:
2. Skills:
- Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills
3. Attitude:
- Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school
4. Quality and competence:
- Be confident and friendly with the new school environment
- Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction
1.Teachers preparation:
- Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ sách mềm) and other materials
2.Students preparation:                  -Textbook, notebook, school things.
- Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC
1-Greeting`and checking students adtendence: Total: In: .........  Out: .......... .
2-Checking the old lesson
3-New lesson:

Teachers Activities Student s Activities
1. Warm up.
- Play games: Solve the crossword below.
- Review the previous unit before Ss open their books by asking them to solve a crossword puzzle.
2. Activities.
1. Listen and read.. (P26)
- T uses some techniques to present some new words.
- Checking the understanding by making sentences with the new words.
1a. Answer the following questions.
- Ss work independently.
- Allow them to share answers before discussing as a class.
- T then checks their answers, and gives explanation if necessary.

1b. Tick (v) T (true) or F (false).(p27)
- Ss read the conversation again to do this exercise.
- Ask for Ss answers as well as the explanation for their choices.
2. Write the festivals in the box under the pictures... (p27)
- Tell Ss that in the box are some festivals. Ss do this activity in pairs.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen, check and repeat their answers. Make sure that Ss pronounce correctly the name of the festivals.
3. Match the festivals below with the reasons they are held. (p27)
- Explain to Ss that festivals are held for different reasons.
- Ask Ss if they know the meaning of these words.
Seasonal (aj) relate to or happening a during a period in the year.
Religious (aj) connected with religion or with a particular religion.
Superstitious (aj) based on the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science.

4. Compare your answers with a partner. (P27)
- Ss work with classmate and compare their answers.
- T reminds them to follow the model conversation in the box.

5. Organize a competition game for this activity.
3. Homework
- Learn new words and phrases
- Prepare A closer look 1.
T shows keys on the projector.

*New words
- fascinating (aj)  hấp dẫn
- amazing     (aj) đáng ngạc nhiên
- religious     (aj) thuộc tôn giáo
- firework (n) pháo hoa
- make a camp (v) cắm trại
1a. Key:.
1. No, she didnt because she said  Oh really? to show her surprise.
2. People light candles and display/ let off fireworks.
3. Its La Tomatina
4. Because to celebrate the festival people go to the desert, make a camp, and have a party.
5. They should write up reports and hand them in to the teacher.
1b. Key:
1. T       2. T       3. F          4. T

2. Key:
1. Water festival       2. Cannes Film Festival
3. Ghost Day           4. Tet
5. Rock in Rio         6. Christmas
7. Halloween           8. Easter

3. Key:
Religious:  Halloween, Ghost Day
Music /Arts  Rock in Rio, Cannes Film Festival
Seasonal: Tet, Water Festival
Religious: Christmas, Easter

4. Compare your answers with a partner.
A: I think Rock in Rio and the Cannes Film Festival are music or arts festivals.
B: I agree.
A: Which do you think are seasonal festival?
B: I think Christmas and Easter. How about you?
A: I think Halloween and Ghost day.
5. Can you add more festivals to the groups in 3?                        

Từ khóa tìm kiếm google:     Giáo án VNEN tiếng Anh 7 unit 9: Festivals around the world : Getting started, Giáo án 5 bước tiếng Anh 7 unit 9: Festivals around the world : Getting started, Giáo án 5 hoạt động tiếng Anh 7 unit 9: Festivals around the world : Getting started

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