Ghost windows lỗi xms driver version 3.95

I have a new Dell mini netbook that I am attempting to create an image of. During the image creation process I get the error "The high memory area (HMA) is not available" followed by "Additional low memory (below 640K) will be used". Then the process continues and hangs forever at the loading bootworks portion; it never gets to launching rdeploy. There doesn't appear to be any options in the netbook BIOS to change any memory configuration. Also, all other laptops/desktops that we have deployed in our QA environment appear to image without any issues (including a couple of HP netbooks). We are running DS 6.9 SP1. Please let me know if anyone has run into this issue/error or if you require further details aboiut the error; thanks!

  • 2. RE: HMA Not Available Error Message During PXE Boot Process

    Posted May 19, 2009 07:54 AM Hi, Sounds like the computer has less than 512Mb RAM. are you able to PXE boot using DOS or Linux. Shereen
  • 3. RE: HMA Not Available Error Message During PXE Boot Process

    Posted May 19, 2009 12:24 PM Hi, Thanks for the reply. However, the netbook in question does have more than 512MB of RAM. According to the BIOS it has 1014MB Extended memory and 640KB System Memory. Also, this error is encountered when we are trying to PXE boot using DOS (that is the only method we use). Here is the exact sequence I see during boot with the troubling parts bolded: Downloading DOS Boot Diskette Image Transferring control to DOS Boot Diskette Image Starting Windows 98 Windows XMS Driver Version 3.95 Extended Memory Specification (XMS) Version 3.0 Copyright 1988-1995 Microsoft Corp Error: Unable to control A20 Line! XMS Driver not installed Warning the high memory area (HMA) is not available! Additional low memory (below 640K) will be used instead After this it simply hangs at the Bootworks(tm) Version 6.9 (9020) screen. Any thoughts?
  • 4. RE: HMA Not Available Error Message During PXE Boot Process

    Posted Jul 31, 2009 04:10 PM HI, All I'm getting the same issue the difference with me is i,m using DS 6.5 and trying to PXE with a Dell Precision T5500 with 4 gig DDR3.

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