Final fantasy 12 switch review ign năm 2024

Having a blast with it. The awesomeness of the speed mode can't be overstated, farmed 200 LP yesterday in around 15 minutes or so. The other changes are also very well implemented.

RpgSama2405d ago

As someone who played and finished the original game I can only imagine how much better is the experience going to be with speed mode, specially for farming.

Relientk772405d ago (Edited 2405d ago )

I wanna pick this up, yet I'm still on Persona 5. So many JRPGs

Ys and Ni no Kuni 2 too also coming out this year

bangoskank2405d ago

I really wanted that steel box edition but I'm in the same boat; too many backlogs to warrant a first day purchase. Plus I already played it 10 years ago. It can wait.

theshredded2405d ago

Damn it's got really high scores! tbh this ff game looked the most appealing since it's reveal. This will be my first ff game and I really want to play it soon.

Gardenia2405d ago

This was the last good Final Fantasy game. It you like FFXII and finished it, I'd recommend FFVII and FFIX

DragonKnight2405d ago

This shouldn't be your first FF game. It's not a terrible game, but it's not the series' best. It plays like a pseudo MMO game and the story is HEAVY in politics and The Queen's Olde English. This is the kind of game you work up to, not jump into.

Unless all you really care about are the Hunts. Then go for it. The Hunts are great.

theshredded2404d ago

It's just that it looks modern unlike FFX and it seems to have a memorable story with great characters unlike FFXV. And the other games are either too old to be enjoyable anymore or just bad. Also can't play FFXIV because of crappy internet. Plus I really enjoyed DA which had somewhat mmo gameplay and I like working my way in games as I'm a huge souls fan.

An excellent remaster of one of the most underestimated episodes of the series released at the dawn of old-gen consoles. Veterans will appreciate the number of new features and newcomers can taste this great Japanese RPG with beautiful visuals. [Issue


I feel like I'm repeating my young self here: Final Fantasy XII is an amazing RPG, and it holds up exceptionally well even 11 years after it's initial release. This PS4 remastering does it justice not only in the visual department but also by exposing the game to many gamers who missed out on this late FF entry. As an RPG fan I loved FFXII on the PS2, and it isn't going to change with this great remaster. What a year the PS4 is having.

A perfect remaster for a perfect game! This game is already amazing and the gambit system is already one of the series best, but this somehow perfects it even more! <3

If you can, give it a try once its on sale. This is one of the best RPG to get into, even these days XII holds well. The battle system is very dynamic with and without the gambits active (i know, SHOCKING how people tend to criticize that "the AI plays for you" instead of just toggle the option OFF and play like a standard turn-based combat if you want to your choices to be precise as such). Lots of classes, weapons, armors, magicks and builds to make. The graphics on the ps2 versions was beautiful and pretty much the best you could get for that time; in the remaster its... fine, the art design in almost everything looks stunning, but what can hold you back if you are more into the modern ultra-realistic type of graphics its the character models, they look too animesque, but since i don't go for that, it doesn't bother me at all. The story, not get into spoilers, reads like if you ask for a star wars fan to recite the main conflicts in the original and prequel trilogy's to a fan-fic writer; it will be too serious for some people sometimes, and it won't get your attention unless you open up to endure the politics of the world. And its a big BIG world that seems so alive and interconnected in an amazing way that we don't see as much these days. Every enemy, every boss, heck, even non-hostile NPC's seems believable where they spawn live, with the weather conditions of the region, like when you visit an area that its completely dry, the mobs that will spawn there will be more desert type creatures that can live in those environment; if you come back later in the game to these same region when the rain season start, all the human npcs won't be there anymore and the enemies that you'll encounter will be stronger and amphibious-like creatures that can live in that conditions. And also if you spend more time inside those regions, the rain can get heavy, turning into a thunderstorm, and you will encounter something really bad.

Western players are in for a treat with all of these adjustments and improvements made from the original release of Final Fantasy XII - many of which are old but never made their way West originally. The job system adds another level of interest to party coordination, elements like fast-forward and map overlays add a considerable amount of convenience, and the game looks and sounds great too. This remaster may not change the mind of everyone, but it is no doubt one of the most intriguing entries in the franchise and clearly the definitive version of a truly brilliant game.

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a remaster done right. The core content remains the same, but the changes in various systems add a new layer of discovery... Not every facet of the game has aged well, but the clever combat and fantastic cast earns this entry its status as classic RPG, and the Zodiac Age is the best way to play it. [Aug 2017, p.152]

Although the remastered work is correct, all the changes and additions (especially those from the International Zodiac Job System) make The Zodiac Age the definitive version of one of the most underrated and special Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy XII was a great RPG, swapping out gunblades and epic, world-destroying storylines in favour of ones revolving around political intrigue; it remains as such. It’s as fun to play now as it was back in the dying stages of the PS2, and is perfect for returning fans or those who missed out previously.

Final Fantasy XII was outdone by the competition when it came out eleven years ago, and The Zodiac Age changes absolutely nothing in that regard. An overpriced and undercooked re-release of a game better left forgotten.

No es el mejor juego de la historia ni el mejor final fantasy, pero aún así es mi juego favorito, tiene algo mágico para mi, aparte de todos los recuerdos que tengo de el. Es un juego al que tengo que volver cada cierto tiempo y siempre lo disfruto como cuando era niño, las cacerías me parecen muy satisfactorias, un mundo precioso de explorar a pie, un combate y tablero de licencias innovador para la época y muy bien implementado, y personajes que aunque criticados por muchos, muy reales en las situaciones que les toca vivir

I never got a chance to play FF12 on PS2, so this is my first playthough on PS4. The remastered graphics look great for a PS2 game and it definitely has that look from that generations, which is not a bad thing. I enjoyed the story even though it could be hard to follow at times, only because the kings English everyone uses. The story made more since as i finished it and started a new game+ and watched the intro again, I think i was lost on who people were when i first watched the intro. I really enjoyed the characters and felt they grew close together through their adventure. I like the skill tree/licenses mechanic of unlocking new skills and having to unlock new licenses in order to equip better gear. The Gambit system made this game much faster to play as you can set what you want everyone in your party to focus on when attacking and not really have to do much since its all automated, which adds a different kind of strategy then im used to. I would really like to see square do a full on remake like they did with FF7 and integrate the battle mechanics they implemented in FF7R. The option to be able to set the game speed really made things better because with out that feature it would of been a slog, you move around like you have cement boots. I like the side hunts you can do, i dont like that i have to get the hunt from the board go find the patron who will give me the details, then go find the monster to hunt, then return to patron to receive my reward. way to much back n forth. All in all was worth playing at the 50 hours i put into the game i had a fun time.

**** a 10. Not close to a 10. I actually first played this game way back in 2006. Mind you, this is fresh off of thoroughly enjoying the masterpiece (at the time) that was Final Fantasy X. I remember quite clearly being disappointed, as was my friend, at this game. Running into battle felt strange and clunky. I quit at the first quest outside of Rabanastre. Fast forward and I'm MUCH older, much more mentally refined, and yearning for RPG goodness on the PS4. So I figured I'd give it a chance, thinking I'd be more patient with it, after watching videos of it online. Reality is this: The game plays much smoother than before. It's nowhere near as clunky, nowhere near as boring, and I can't tell you why. There are frustrating parts, but generally it's improved. The real problem is with pacing. I got absolutely slaughtered at a part where just a moment prior I felt overpowered. Regular peons were killing my crew. It wasn't levels; my folks were dishing good damage. It's the fact that they were taking way too much damage compared to what my armor said they should be. The limitations of the license system forcing weak armor early on didn't help matters. There are also strange Gambit-related issues where you'll have your Gambits set to do a specific set of tasks, and the character will just do the opposite for no reason, forcing you to issue commands directly. Lastly is the town event system, where you'll have to foot it LONG distances across town to meet people or run errands. Fortunately there's a button to speed things up, but then your character will walk like they're drunk, running into things. This is NOT a bad game, don't take a 7 as indicating such. That's a great score. But put it this way: I got this game for $27 at Best Buy thanks to a rewards certificate. I couldn't justify paying any more than $30 for the same game they sold over a decade ago with some prettier graphics.

Where to start...... main character Who the **** is the main character? is it vahn or that ewan mcgregor sounding guy. Who knows? the story is boring with politics and war which FFXIV did amazingly. I don't even know what the story is about because I fell asleep after the first hour. revenge plot? maybe? the combat is like an MMO that has been developed by the laziest gamer ever because you just push the action button once and everyone fights for you. SOOOOOOOOO BORING. didn't finish penelope is annoying. nuf said.

L'ultimo Final Fantasy che ho giocato e anche il primo che non ho finito (Non per la difficoltà). Che dire, trama confusa e poco interessante, **** molto piatti e meccanica action bizzarra. Probabilmente troppi cambiamenti in un solo titolo che ha il peso del nome Final Fantasy. Un gioco così noioso che a metà della storia l'ho abbandonato. Forse sarà un buon action rpg, ma allo stesso tempo è un pessimo Final Fantasy.

Is Final Fantasy 12 Switch worth it?

Latest User ReviewsA perfect remaster for a perfect game! This game is already amazing and the gambit system is already one of the series best, but this somehow perfects it even more! <3. An excellent game. Characters are not all kids for once.

How long to beat Final Fantasy 12 Switch?

When focusing on the main objectives, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is about 40½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 104 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Is Final Fantasy XII grindy?

Overall, I tend to view this as one of the least grindy JRPGs out there. I regularly finish in the high 60s/mid-70s in terms of levels without any grinding whatsoever and it's more than enough to comfortably kill every superboss. Additionally, if you do feel like grinding, Gambits and x4 speed makes it trivial to do.

Is Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Age hard?

The game is generally regarded to be fairly easy overall, it's just some spots that can occasionally give people trouble because they're not quite used to things. It'll get better with practice! There are no difficulty settings.

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