fat shaming là gì - Nghĩa của từ fat shaming

fat shaming có nghĩa là

A bullying tactic, singling out, or making fun of a fat person, under the guise of helping them realise they need to lose 50 pounds pronto or they're going to become ill, die prematurely, or be a major burden on the health system, when in actual fact it's an individual's bias against people they consider to be unattractive in their immediate social or professional circle.


1.You're a plus size female out dancing at a club with friends. You notice a small group of guys at the bar staring at you and laughing. Eventually one of them comes over and starts trying to dance behind you, rubbing against your ass, while his friends laugh uncontrollably. When you turn around and tell him to piss off, he laughs in your face and says, “Nah, girl, I’d totally fuck you if I thought I could find your pussy in all that blubber!”
2. You're a fat person using the elliptical trainer at the gym. A man walks by and gives you an encouraging pat on the shoulder. “GOOD FOR YOU!” he says loudly, a little patronizingly. He has pointed out that seeing people who look like you exercising in public is a strange and unfamiliar occurrance, an idea rooted in the assumption that fat people are uniformly lazy and unhealthy, and you, as an exception, therefore deserve to be recognized and lauded. You feel singled out, othered, and very uncomfortable.
3. A fat guy in a cafeteria is loading his plate with vegetables. The chef gives him a smile, makes a fat shaming comment, "I spose all that green stuff means room for more pudding eh?" as he sniggers expecting him to enjoy the joke that is essentially on him.
The fat guy finishes his meal and goes to leave the cafeteria. Just then a work colleague passes and grabs his male breast. "Caw get a load of these moobs! You lactatin' or what son?" jests the work colleague with a gaggle of sycophant friends with a collective IQ of 81.

fat shaming có nghĩa là

A term coined by social reformists to refer to the ignorant shaming, insulting, badmouthing and obscene remarks aimed at individuals possessing one of three of the standard body types (their being Mesomorphic, Endomorphic and Ectomorphic, namely body types that either specialize in creating and storing fat cells, creating and storing muscle cells, or a rapid metabolism that specializes in providing energy to the body by consuming resources that normally produce muscle and fat cells). Endomorphs. Endomorphs have a soft round body build and a high proportion of fat tissue, a trait passed on by cultures residing in cold climates, who relied upon the stored fat for survival. In the modern culture, inspired by a false image of the “perfect human body” in popular media, the need for fat storage in warmer climates (inhabitants of which having more Endomorphic or Ectomorphic body types) isn’t as necessary. As humans tend to feel a strong need to put down others to make themselves feel better, they have developed ways to shame individuals with a higher than average fat content (just like those who’re a different height, color, or culture) by insulting them for their differences.


Ricky: “HEY FATTY! UR SO FAT, WHEN YOU SIT AROUND THE HOUSE, U SIT AROUND THE HOUSE! Bobby: “Seriously? Are you fat shaming because I aced the Midterms, and you flunked out? Just stop.” Ricky: “NAW MAN, U JUST FAT! FAT FAT FAT! YEP, BECAUSE YOU’RE BIGGER THAN ME, YOU DESERVE RIDICULE!” =-=
Example Two
=-= Sarah: “Hey, could I have a small strawberry ice cream, please? Skinny Tara (*two enormous fistfuls of icecream in hand*): “DUMB FATTY! DRINK A SLIMFAST INSTEAD!

fat shaming có nghĩa là

When someone purposely pokes fun at another person for their weight (who is often legitimately fat. Under the scenario the victim is not of an unhealthy weight, than the attacker is either a hater, troll, and/or has a very strange sense of fat). Can either be a pathetic excuse for not losing some weight and becoming healthier or a legitimate attack.


Fat Shaming used as an excuse:
Mary: Jessica, I think you should lose some weight; right now, you're 1000 pounds and you do nothing but sit inside your house and eat cheese cake after cheese cake after cheese cake.
Mary: ... Legitimate Fat Shaming:
Mary: Ugh! Look at that fat ass Jessica, she does nothing but sit around all day! No one loves her, and she's such a fat lard!
Jessica: *has bulimia, binge eating disorder*
Mary: Oh well fuck that she's just using that as an excuse to stay on her fat ass all day

fat shaming có nghĩa là

Something that needs to be done to get someone to lose weight before they develop diabetes, become ill and die.


Holy shit! Ian is 6"3 and 320lbs, he needs to lose weight before he gets ill, dies then won't be there to raise his own children. I might have to use the fat Shaming technique in order to get him to do show, it is the only way he will listen.

fat shaming có nghĩa là

Fat shaming is a type of sizeism targeted at people with high body fat.


Joe implied that I'm fat because I'm lazy and stupid. He made me feel ashamed. He was fat shaming me.

fat shaming có nghĩa là

The intentionally demeaning, demonstrably overt and unwelcomed commentary regarding an individuals compromised fork-in-mouth driven condition.


You know, ya probably shouldn't be eatin' a whole fuckin box of donuts...
Why don't you take yer Fat Shame bullshit and stick it up yet ass!

fat shaming có nghĩa là

You go up to someone who looks pregnant, but you aren't really sure, and you ask them "How's the baby coming along?" There's a 50/50 chance of them actually being pregnant.


I just schrödinger's fat-shamed that person over there and they slapped me across the face

fat shaming có nghĩa là

Calling someone fat or implying they're fat by saying they need to watch their nutrition. It's particularly harmful when fully grown adults (usually those without children, no medical experience & insecurities about their own weight) feel the need to fat shame a baby simply because they have rolls. Newsflash rolls are normal on babies.


*cute picture of a baby on social media platform*
Fat shamer: they need to watch their nutrition!
Baby defender: you're an adult picking on a child's weight, I hope your proud of yourself fat shaming a baby.

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