Do we live in a dystopian society Essay

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A Comparison of Dystopian Societies Overcrowding, disease, death, lack of freedom, constant surveillance, oppression and misery are all part of everyday life in this society. Such a place can only be defined as a dystopia, or, an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one, (defined by the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary). Today, there are many examples and representations of such societies depicted in books, movies and other forms or media. Two of these include the societies in the movie The Island, which came out in 2005, and the book Far North written by Marcel Theroux. Both the book and the movie are two different but also similar representations of a dystopian society. A dystopian society can be classified by many different characteristics such as a restriction of independent thought and freedom, or people living in a dehumanized state. Both of these traits are very distinguished in The Island as well as Far North. In The Island the people or clones living in the containment facility are not taught to love, or to touch one another, or to really interact or have any kind of normal human show more content
Nevertheless, some form of dictatorship or leadership is shown in every dystopian society. From The Island and Far North, two very different forms of control were implemented. In The Island the control is corporate. The entire containment facility is one big organization that is controlling society and how it operates by using clones to advertise endless life. On the contrary, Far North is more a philosophical control where one figure head has an idea for society and that figure head dictates life based on one idea or philosophy. The book has one leader who is dictating society and how people live with the slaves that are taken into custody. This leader only wants one thing, one