Do we get any benefits in doing book reviews?

Finding the GOLD in Book Reviews

Many writers have heard the buzz about getting book reviews, but they dont understand the full value those reviews bring to the potential success of a book, nor are they aware of how to go about securing them. When you have written a book that really has merit for your intended readership, it becomes your number one priority to sell them; one of the tools that impacts sales is a collective of reviews. Thus, when you are constructing your marketing campaigns, it is essential that you integrate this process into each of your marketing campaigns. Since the success of a book is not a linear process of write, publish, market, I am going to take you to the reality that book reviews belong in the pre-publish marketing category.

Top Five Benefits of Book Reviews

I could go on and on about the benefits of securing book reviews, but for the sake of brevity, find below the top five:

  1. Visibility Measure: The more reviews you secure, the more you attract attention to your book. Readers tend to look for what they consider the best of the best and the reviews are a good indicator of the quality.
  2. Media Buzz: Reviews also create a certain kind of buzz about your book that attracts BIG media. At the point where your book catches fire in the media, you know you are headed in the right direction to be successfully published.
  3. Reader Interaction and Engagement: Readers need to see other readers enjoying the book. Once the reviews take hold it is natural for them to inspire more reviews! Readers, Amazon, the media each starts to be aware of the book and wonders why everyone is interested! It also offers readers to be a part of your world devoted fans like to share their perception of your work, waiting eagerly for you to write the next book.
  4. Purchase Decisions: Book buyers read reviews as part of making an informed purchase decision.
  5. Amazon Marketing Support: Amazon needs to see a high-level of interaction and reader engagement before deciding to add its support. When people start responding to other reviews, Amazon gets on board knowing the activity will influence purchases!

Book Review Strategies

Oh, No! Oh, Yes! It is simply not possible to get reviews by praying, begging friends and family or practicing the Law of Attraction willing them to come your way. To bring your needs to reality you have to take action, and the more strategic that is the easier and more successful your endeavor will be. Strategies work and provide results what more could you want? Lets dive into a few of the considerations I normally discuss with my clients:

  • You have to plan your outreach to achieve success; you cannot leave it to chance or to the last minute it must be integrated in your pre-publish marketing efforts.
  • Your particular genre will drive the process some are easier to achieve than others. What you do not want to have happen by chance is to put yourself in a position of coming across as being desperate for them, or grabbing at whatever random reviews you might just happen to secure.
  • When you create a strategic approach to your reviews, you dont have to wander down unclear paths or feel you are climbing insurmountable mountains the process becomes easier, eliminates panic, provides better results, and has a positive impact on potential bestseller status.

Thats enough to fill your head today connect here with me and read future posts about the HOW.

Anna Weber | Literary Strategist

Anna Weber, a Literary Strategist, has been supporting the endeavors of debut authors for over a decade. She has written more than a dozen books that guide writers through the phases of becoming a successful author: writing, publishing and distribution, and marketing and promotion. Anna is a prolific writer, a frequent speaker and presenter before entrepreneur and service professional groups and provides breakthrough strategy sessions to clients globally. An ardent student of the rapidly changing publishing industry, Anna spends approximately one third of her time researching and/or attending continuing education programs. She lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, Robert Stearns.

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