democratic socialism là gì - Nghĩa của từ democratic socialism

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

A Social democrat is a centre-leftist or libertarian leftist, who supports a mixed economy with some government regulation on essential services or government ownership, in order to prevent corperat abuse of these services. Social democrats also support environment regulation, public education to level out the playing field, and social programes to help the less fortunate become better off.

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Social democrats include Canada's NDP and many Northern European governments, which contributed to Northern Europe's modern Hight standard of living.

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

A "Big Tent" definition of Democratic Socialism, that includes Bernie Sanders, AOC, me, and maybe you: A democratic process of defining, shaping, and implementing shared agreements to ensure that (A) The essential needs of every individual and community are met*, (B) Every individual/organization does and gives their fair share in support of healthy, safe, and functioning communities, and (C) Every individual/organization/community/nation considers their impact on their neighbors, resources, and planet. A participatory, non-exploitative, and regenerative system of economics that supports individual, community, and planetary well-being. *Essential Needs: Housing, water, food, safety, health care (including physical, mental, and dental health), education/childcare, transportation, communications, banking, and retirement/disability income.

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Social democrats include Canada's NDP and many Northern European governments, which contributed to Northern Europe's modern Hight standard of living.

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

A "Big Tent" definition of Democratic Socialism, that includes Bernie Sanders, AOC, me, and maybe you: A democratic process of defining, shaping, and implementing shared agreements to ensure that (A) The essential needs of every individual and community are met*, (B) Every individual/organization does and gives their fair share in support of healthy, safe, and functioning communities, and (C) Every individual/organization/community/nation considers their impact on their neighbors, resources, and planet.

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Social democrats include Canada's NDP and many Northern European governments, which contributed to Northern Europe's modern Hight standard of living.

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

A "Big Tent" definition of Democratic Socialism, that includes Bernie Sanders, AOC, me, and maybe you:

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Social democrats include Canada's NDP and many Northern European governments, which contributed to Northern Europe's modern Hight standard of living.

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

A "Big Tent" definition of Democratic Socialism, that includes Bernie Sanders, AOC, me, and maybe you:

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A democratic process of defining, shaping, and implementing shared agreements to ensure that (A) The essential needs of every individual and community are met*, (B) Every individual/organization does and gives their fair share in support of healthy, safe, and functioning communities, and (C) Every individual/organization/community/nation considers their impact on their neighbors, resources, and planet. A participatory, non-exploitative, and regenerative system of economics that supports individual, community, and planetary well-being. *Essential Needs: Housing, water, food, safety, health care (including physical, mental, and dental health), education/childcare, transportation, communications, banking, and retirement/disability income. Democratic Socialism empowers the democratic majority to end the exploitative, unsustainable, and non-regenerative behaviors of individuals, organizations, and governments in support of individual, community, and planetary well-being. An anti-capitalist political ideology advocating for socially owned economy (socialism).

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

Frequently mistaken for social democracy which advocates for economic and social justice but is not anti-capitalist.

Ví dụ

Bernie Sanders DOES NOT advocate for democratic socialism, he's a social democrat. some one who beileves in a bigger goverment. social democrats beileve in taxing on a state level and spending on a federal level. taxing usauly on income Europes economy is run by these types of libreals.

democratic socialism có nghĩa là

Party that has many jews and lezbo people. They tend to be gay lovers and nigger lovers.

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Person #1: - Hey you are probably a perverted jew, in Sweden we have enought trouble. Go back to Israel and suck a camel will you?

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