civic là gì - Nghĩa của từ civic

civic có nghĩa là

1)a japanese economy car
2)a car that teenager's rich parents buy them as a cheap relaiable transportation, but then they fuck it all up by putting huge fart cans and spoilers on then trying to drive fast and race everyone and thinking they are really cool but everyone is really just laughing at them because they are so goddamn stupid.


I drive a CIVIC, its so fast, last night I raced some kid on his tricycle and it was close but I beat him because my spoiler added an extra 20hp so that was the reason I won.

civic có nghĩa là

A very reliable cheap car. Not meant to be a race car at all. Gets you from point A to B and saves gas.


With gas being close to $3.00 gallon, I'm glad I drive a civic and, I don't give a damn what people say!

civic có nghĩa là

JESUS-FUCKING-CHRIST! It's just a car. Plain and simple. It's a car made by Honda Motors, Co, designed to be an inexpensive ECONOMY car. The DX, Value Package, and LX models have a 112 horsepower engine, the EX model has a 127 hp engine (2004 sedan models), and the Si model has a 160 hp engine (2004 model). It's not made for racing, it's made to be fuel-efficient, which it is. Practically every website that has the word "Civic" in it, be it here, a forum, or anywhere else, has this damn argument about whether Civics are good racing cars or not. NOBODY CARES! Most of you probably don't own a car anyway!


The first car I owned a 1989 Honda Civic Hatchback in about 2002-ish. I didn't race it once, but whenever I mentioned I owned a Civic, people didn't care what year it was - they automatically thought I raced and that I was a ricer. Yeah, like I'd race in a car that had a horsepower range of 68-72. I learned to drive a stick shift in that car, that's about it.

civic có nghĩa là

Any of various imported cars which feature any of several defining characteristics:

- Enlarged exhaust tip to 'enhance the sound', usually chrome while the rest is not.
- Numerous stickers which, if applied correctly, add enough horsepower to make it beat "any V8".
- So-called "Body-kits" which, from what I gather, enhance the cars ability to be useless.
- V-Tec logos; can also be found on honda MiniVans.
- Incredibly unintelligent, obnoxious, and belligerent drivers.
- Senselessly large amounts of pointlessly oversized speakers and amplifiers.
- Shiny things that don't do anything.
- Rims of a size never, ever intended by the manufacturer to be attached to the car.
- "Home" lowering modifications which shorten tread-life of otherwise good tires while adding 0 performance enhancements.
- Pointless hoods made of some composte material with a colouration bearing absolutely no resemblance to the rest of the car.
- Novelty "wings" and "hood scoops" - often mistaken for NASA project parts or commercial airliner wings affixed to the back, regardless of the front-wheel-drive.

If for some reason, the person has the intelligence enough to open the hood and figure out how to affix any of various aftermarket modifications, the car might also feature:

- Numerous additional chrome pieces ('shiny things') which are illegal in California and don't really do anything.
- Several 'FAILED EMISSIONS' stamps on its title
- $1000-$12,000 in aftermarket parts which make the expense (not the value) of the car equal to a normal stock sports sedan with slightly lower performance and none of the features of the other cars
- Pointless bundles of "cable housing" wrapped around heavily insulated cords with no need to be in a cable housing.
- Perhaps a different engine than listed on the VIN, usually illegal or pointless because it costs more than the car's worth to do.
- Neon lights???
- An abundant amount of additional gauges, usually not wired to anything.
- Copious quantities of cosmetic modifications, added regardless of their effect on the appearance (usually negative).

The most interresting part of it all, is that the owners of these phenominal vehicles claim things such as: "with $10,000 in mods it's still cheaper than your mustang or corvette stock and faster".
They fail to see that in proclaiming this they've only insulted themselves. In order to make your vehicle equal to the other said vehicles, you require additional funding which can exceede the value of the car to add countless modifications and ONLY add to the mechanical performance aspect of the vehicle? After all this, your vehicle has now cost as much as my WRX, Mustang, or Camero? The part where you really fail to impress me, is in that your car is still a $10,000 P.O.S. on the inside and it might barely outperform mine, which is beautifully detailed and feature rich while still comfortable, leagel, under warranty, and less time consuming to achieve.

Okay, one more time: you have to spend MORE time, the SAME AMOUNT of money, and the ONLY benefit is a slight mechanical performance increase?

I rest my case. A Honda Civic is just a mediocre mid-sized sedan that costs less and offers no more. You're always going to simply GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.


"Hey Paco, I added $13,241 of shiz to my Civic and I beat a fully stock, 2 year older Camero by 0.2s! Did you know they're putting CD players in those cars stock? Mine cost me just as much and it still doesn't have one."

civic có nghĩa là

The Civic is a car that was designed to be an entry level coupe/hatchback/sedan from Honda.... thats about it. It is very economical and an ease to drive. With gas arriving at record rates, I am sure glad to own one. Many definitions on this site state that a Civic is piece of shit..well compared to some other cars...its not so bad. Now on to the performance part. Civics arent designed to be raced or beat the cars that deserve to be fast. A Civic is simply a "me too" car. I drive a Civic .. but it is allmsot like no other... it will never see a performance part... ever. Honda designed this car as a beater around town and to take on the highway to acheive over 40 mpg... and thats really great!!!... when people started racing them ... those are the fucking idoits that cant afford the really nice cars... Mustangs.. Supras.. 300 ZX's ..etc..etc. This is a car that the parents buy for there teenagers that is cheap and reliable if taken care of ... so the Defintion of a Honda Civic?.... a beater to get you from point A to point B and not in a badass manner that many attempt it to be... thats all.....


You have a Civic?... omg ... me too !!!

civic có nghĩa là

despite what the majority thinks, a very nice car. perhaps not fast, but very reliable. not really a poor mans car, nor ugly. we're upper middle class and drive one....not hondas fault that retards go off and by a 92 civic, slap a huge ass wing and euro taillights on it and loud ass exhaust. foreign jobs are better than domestics. ford = fucker only runs downhill


heywood jablowme

civic có nghĩa là

The Civic hatchback is a great car for hotboxing.


Dude, we totally got fucked up when we hotboxed in your civic!

civic có nghĩa là

Civic (sih-vik) (1) Cheap import economy car that will take you from point A to point B even after it has been completely run into the ground.

There are three types of Civic: Stock economy car, Sleeper, and Rice burner.

Stock economy car: Driven by a middle class average Joe who wants to save his money on gas and is smart enough to spend his money on something other than an expensive car. Car might have 120 hp if it is one of the top models. The car is driven heavily and used for exactly what it should be: cheap transportation from A to B.

Sleeper: Driven by another average Joe with the acception of a lead foot or car maintenance addiction. Hardly any exterior mods except for maybe some attractive rims or a lowered body. The modifications of a sleeper are almost completely internal. Car can range from a simple cold air intake for a few extra hp off the neighborhood stop sign or a complete engine swap nitrous conversion for the "wolf in sheep’s clothing" effect. Joe knows his civic is not designed to be fast and is placed in many stereotypes so the mods are for his addiction, enjoyment, and to help boost his overly low self esteem from having to drive a Civic.

Rice Burner: Driven by an idiot. Usually mods his car with allot of crappy, shiny plastic accessories that, in theory, make his car go faster than yours. Might put illegal mods on a stock engine or might just keep his car cosmetically "improved" and just try to make people think that his car goes faster than theirs. Car really is a bucket of bolts. Shiny bolts, but bolts none the less. Possibly one of the most annoying cars on the road because of its bad attitude, tendency to flip you off, and the 30 hp outboard motor sound emitted by its shiny new muffler tip.


Stock economy car: "I buy gas once a month and with all the money I saved was able to fix my credit!"

Sleeper: "Yes, I drive a civic. Yes, I have a speed addiction. Yes, I hate ricers. Yes, my car is faster than yours."

Rice burner: "DUDE! I raced a Buick last night and won! I left that old lady in the dust with my super fast and good looking car!"

civic có nghĩa là

A car made for people with excuses.


"Well I lost the race but mine gets more hp/l."
The fact that a 4 cylinder can run with a v8 when using a turbo or nitrous and a ton of mods isnt very impressive.You can buy a civic and put $10,000 in mods into it and it can beat a vette. But when you wreck a civic ,u didnt ensure the turbo and other engine mods and i wreck a vette, guess who gets back what their car is worth. If you want a real value go buy a 5.0 mustang for about $5,000 and put about $10,000 and see what you run. Probaly about 8's in the 1/4 mile. And it wont sound like crap because i put a $40 auto-zone muffler on it either.

civic có nghĩa là

ORIGINAL DEFINITION: A car, made by the Honda Motor Corporation, meant originally to be a reliable, basic, economical form of transportation. But that's where the good part ends. Because the current true definition of CIVIC is as follows... CURRENT DEFINITION: A car which started its life with the above definition but in 99.999 percent of the cases, is now: 1) A still small, gay, ricemobile, featured in the movie The Fast And The Flimsy
2) A $2000-$8000 car with $1000-$15000 in modifications, the dollar amount spent being inversely proportionate with the owner's iq
3) A car that, no matter how many mods are done to it, is still small, gay, flimsy, and rice
4) A car that needs a huge amount of money added to it, in order to keep up with stock sports cars of any brand or year, which are usually oblivious to the fact that they're even being raced by this unworthy opponent, which brings me to the next sub-entry in the definition, which is:
5) A car famous for the RICER FLYBY, which happens when a totally unaware motorist who is driving a car with a real engine, which intimidates the hyper ricer in the CIVIC, inspiring him to show his mania, and, while the real-car driver is at 1/4 throttle just minding his own business and switching radio stations, he gets passed by a BUZZ BOMB CIVIC doing 60 in a 25 zone, 12 blocks after the stop light that this event started at, and the CIVIC driver flashes his lights as if he just 'MADE THE KILL'.
6) A car most often owned by hyper people with small brains and even smaller penises, as evidenced by their 'OH YEAH WELL WATCH THIS' attitude
7) A car that, when spelled backwards, spells the same word. This was intelligent design on the part of Honda since they knew they were appealing to a dyslexic crowd of morons
8) A front wheel drive car with a small engine, that, when modified properly, can consistently produce enough power to shred its transmission, which is extremely useful at the track, and apparently must improve 1/4 mile times, and be the ultimate goal for civic modders.
9) A car, unmistakably in sound (THE WEED WACKER IS FOLLOWING ME), and appearance, with any number of gay neon lights, carbon fiber door handles, rims that look like they belong on an suv, a spoiler that was taken off an old 747 Boeing, and 4 different colors of primer


holy shit man i paid $4500 for the car and spent $18,000 on mods for my civic, and i'm only on my 3rd $2000 tranny, so that's....let's see....$28,500 plus it still needs a paint job...shoulda bought a new WRX, or a Camaro or Mustang or a used 335i, or used the money on therapy

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