bottle blonde là gì - Nghĩa của từ bottle blonde

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

Someone who is not naturally blonde but rather uses a hair-dye to create the appearance of being blonde. Bottle Blonde's normally have nasty black re-growth which they seem to think looks chic.


You can spot a bottle blonde a mile away

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

Bottle-blonde is a person (usually a female) who is not naturally a blonde.
Usually derogatory.


It was obvious when I laid eyes on her that she was a bottle-blonde.

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

Standard Definition:
The Bottle Blond Bimbo is a typical young female usually around 17 to 20+ years of age typically from the United States of America. The Bottle Blond Bimbo also known as Triple B or simply BBB for short, is a ditsy, lascivious, empty headed and all around cum dumpster that often casts normal women in a negative light.

Physical Appearance:
The Bottle Blond Bimbo is characteristically known to have artificial chemically dyed blond hair and large amounts of contrasting makeup particularly mascara and brow liner. Moreover, Bottle Blond Bimbos have a characteristic bad or overly tanned skin which further contrasts with the dyed blond hair and bad makeup.

Anthropological Origins:
The Bottle Blond Bimbo is a hedonistic, shallow, and consumerist creature that appeared around the late 1980s and early 1990s along the West Coast of the United States of America. In the past they were often classified as Valley Girls. However, the Bottle Blond Bimbo culture gradually spread eastward as millions of adolescent females adopted the lifestyle throughout the country.

It has been highly debated that the Bottle Blond Bimbo is nothing more than a feminine adolescent and post adolescent behavioral stage that gradually dissipates with maturity and the onset of menopause. However, recent evidence provided by televised observations of shows such as "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and "The Hills" it can be theorized that the Bottle Blond Bimbo is a distinct ethnic group.

The Bottle Blond Bimbo has a notable culture that places high values on physical pleasure, social status, economic status, and consumer products. The Bottle Blond Bimbo is a highly social creature that often enjoys innumerable social outings to the mall or local clubs. The Bottle Blond Bimbo utilizes social networking devices such as Myspace or Facebook to maintain their diverse collection of friends or Best Friends Forever.

Furthermore, the Bottle Blond Bimbo typically clothes themselves in the latest fashionable clothing yet in usually centers around the following clothing lines. Bottle Blond Bimbos usually value the clothing of Hollister Co, American Eagle Outfitters, Forever 21, Abercrombie & Fitch, Guess?, and Wet Seal.

Bottle Blond Bimbos usually is found clothed in scantily clad clothing. In warm seasons the Bottle Blond Bimbo prefers pastel colored halter tops, miniskirts, boyshorts, and sandals. In cold seasons the Bottle Blond Bimbo will cover themselves in designer line coats, tight sweaters, and Ugg Boots. In normally temperate regions such as the Northeast and Midwest, during the cold and persistent winter season large populations of Bottle Blond Bimbos can be seen wearing Ugg Boots. They are often referred to as "Ugg Soldiers" or "Ugg Sluts"

Bottle Blond Bimbos have a belief system that centers around "celebrideities" a collection of popular actresses and musicians. The tend to enjoy television programming that features these "celebrideities". Shows such as Laguna Beach and The Hills showcase these "celebrideities".

Wealth is the primary concern of Bottle Blond Bimbos their beliefs range from the assumption that wealth leads to glamor and high society. However, most Bottle Blond Bimbos are typically found employed in dead end service positions particularly retail.

The Bottle Blond Bimbo is an increasingly burgeoning ethnic group within America. Countless high schools, college campuses, local clubs or bars, and malls have become the typical habitat of the Bottle Blond Bimbo. However, it has become recently contested that the Internet is gradually becoming a habitat for the Bottle Blond Bimbo through social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook.

Among American males the Bottle Blond Bimbo is often found attractive. However, the desirability for a long-term relationship with a Bottle Blond Bimbo is rare. Normally, most American men will quickly ascertain that the Bottle Blond Bimbo lacks mental substance necessary for a stable relationship. Thus most male relationships with Bottle Blond Bimbos are purely for sexual intercourse.

However, there is a small demographic of males who desire Bottle Blond Bimbos. Typically these males are usually much older and desire a youthful attractive female. This relationship is termed the "Anna Nicole Smith Relationship" named after a notable Bottle Blond Bimbo. An Anna Nicole Smith Relationship similiar to a Trophy Wife and Sugar Daddy relationship.


Anna Nicole Smith: Bottle Blond Bimbo

Lauren Conrad: Bottle Blond Bimbo

Paris Hilton: Bottle Blond Bimbo

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

A name usually used in a derogatory manner towards someone with unnaturally blonde hair.

Mostly used by people jealous of said "bottle blondes"... these people are occasionally "bottle blacks" (people with unnaturally black hair) and sometimes classified as emo.


girl: that bitch is such a bottle blonde! and her boobs are totally fake. anyway, i gotta go dye my hair jet black again.

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

bottle blond, bottle-blond , bottle-blonds

1: Women that make their hair blond, white, platinum, etc by the use of bleach, peroxide, or putting their head in a toilet of said chemicals.
2: ditzy women that want to be known for their bodies instead of their minds.
3: A team of women-rocketeers that succesfully launched two gallons of bleach into the air by H-series engines in 1995. The FFA arrested them shortly after.


"Gentlemen prefer the bottle to bottle blonds." Philipe Nicolini, from Adicus and the Brainchild.

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

A woman who dyes her hair blonde and thinks guys are stupid enough to think its real. Here is a easy way to tell a real blond from fake: Look at the eyebrows! WARNING!!! Avoid bottle blonds because if you last more than 10 years with them there hair will fall out from peroxide poisoning!


Wow nice blonde hair, only problem, you have brown eyebrows! Stupid bottle blonde

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

Someone (usually female) that dyes their hair blonde.


“She’s a bottle blonde!”
“Yeah, and dyeing your hair another color besides your natural color is OKAY! And by the way, the ‘nasty black regrowth’ is actually in right now, so fuck you, haters!”

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

A women that dyes her hair blonde to garner attention and power. Sometimes the power is used for bad and manipulative means, particular when the women is of lower socioeconomic class.


She dyed her hair blond and now thinks she is a goddess. Bottle blonds.

bottle blonde có nghĩa là

A female who acts as if outward attractiveness is an excuse for inward ugliness.


"This bottle blonde b!tch argued with the professor for the whole hour and we didn't learn anything."

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