beccas là gì - Nghĩa của từ beccas

beccas có nghĩa là

1. The girl who can say anything and make you laugh, excpecially when she says she's serious.
2. A girl that thinks she's not very popular even though she is pretty and #1.


Becca just dosnt get it!

beccas có nghĩa là

Becca's are usually beautiful girls with older guys all over them. They can make friends with just about anyone, but hang out with some more than others. Very smart and sentimental, but doesn't show it; instead avoids work and puts up walls around them. Amazing eyes and hair. Loves their friends more than anything.


"Man, Becca is so gorgeous."
"Dude she's two years younger than you!"

beccas có nghĩa là

Becca is an amazing person who can be crazy yet so attractive, who has a wonderful and cute personality, she always wants you to be happy and is always out there to put other before herself, she always puts on a smile even when she’s going through a terrible time herself, she’s always happy and positive to everyone around her, and always includes everyone in everything she does, she always has people wanting to spend time with her and just doesn’t have enough time to spend with everyone she loves. She’s an all around beautiful young lady who has beautiful eyes you can get lost in, she’s the best type of girlfriend and also an amazing bestfriend, she’s the best person to kiss and just have fun with, she’ll always be there to have fun with you no matter what you do, she’ll always be there and will never let you down, she’s the best lover who isn’t afraid of anything and always puts on a brave smile for her significant other, she is always smiling and always making everyone around her feel special, she’s an all around amazing young woman, if you have a Becca in life then don’t lose her bc that will be the biggest mistake you ever make


That girl reminds me of becca

beccas có nghĩa là

One of the coolest friends you will ever have. Becca's are usually easy to get along with, love to have fun, are great at keeping secrets, easy to talk to and know when to be serious. They make the best girlfriends or best friends. If you know a Becca, try to be her friend.


"That girl is awesome!" "Yeah, that's Becca"

beccas có nghĩa là

A young beautiful woman who loves everyone no matter what! and will slap bitches who make fun of the one's she loves!


I love becca!

beccas có nghĩa là

Slang term for a wizard's girlfriend.


Hark, Lancelot! Here arriveth Merlin with his smokin' Becca!

beccas có nghĩa là

the most amazing person you have ever met. she loves to feel pretty because everybody thinks she is. most people with the name becca tend to be the most awesome person ever. and tend to have a nice booty.


wow look at that girl, she must be becca.

beccas có nghĩa là

Becca ... Most often short for Rebecca ... is the most interesting person you will ever meet. Becca is an excellent friend and girlfriend. Beccas are out going and energetic and have the ability to make you laugh when you don't want to.Beccas will never give up hope and make others feel better when shes around. Becca has a kind heart and loves deeply. Becca has a lot of depth and a different perspective on life. The more you get to know her you'll understand she's more than meets the eye. Becca has super powers that you don't want to mess with. Becca also has a split personality named ALICE. Dont make Becca angry or you will have the great displeasure of meeting ALICE.


Man Becca has the best capes ever 😎
"Hey did you make Becca mad?" "Yeah and she almost took my head off!" "I told you not to make her angry because you'd have to deal with ALICE."

beccas có nghĩa là

Short for Rebecca. A very loving person. She's athletic, and is always doing crazy things with her body everyone thought was impossible. She can be annoying sometimes, but also super funny. She is amazingly gorgeous, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She's also really smart, but doesn't always know it. She tends to listen to what others say about her, instead of thinking for herself. She is very fragile, and can get her heart broken easily. But make sure never to be the one to break her heart because she always has someone there for her, and they WILL HURT YOU. She also makes friends very easily, and gets excited about silly things. She really clumsy ,and looks up to just about anyone for advice. If you know a Becca you're a really lucky person.


Person: "Becca, what the heck are you doing over there?"
Becca: "Trying to see if I can put my whole foot in my mouth. What about you?"

beccas có nghĩa là

Becca is a very crazy yet loving and considerate person, she won’t shy away from fun, yet never crosses the line. She’s out there to make you laugh and all around a great person to be around. She makes the best girlfriends because she’ll be your bestfriend and your girlfriend at the same time and will always be there to make you smile, she always loving and selfless. She’s usually gorgeous with beautiful eyes and an even more pretty smile. She makes everyone around her feel special, she has the biggest heart and is always looking to put others before herself, she’s also an absolute baller and will always agree to play basketball with you, she has many friends and always loyal to them, she is loyal and usually madly in love with her boyfriend, if u have a Becca in your life, don’t lose her because it will Ben the biggest mistake you ever make


Wow, that girl reminds me so much of a becca

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