Basic cha cha top ten steps and routine

The Cha Cha originated in Cuba and has been named so because of the “triple shuffle” that is apparent in most basic steps. It’s a dance that incorporates small quick steps to match the fast Cha Cha music. This dance has lots of hip and body action on every step to give it a latin look. Social style cha cha fits many modern Latin and pop songs like Marc Anthony’s “I need to know” and Santana’s “Smooth” (Feat. Rob Thomas).

How To Count Cha Cha:

The way you count the cha cha dance is: “1,2,3, Cha, Cha” and repeat. The 1,2,3 counts are all full beats, while the Cha, Cha are half beats (therefore faster). An alternative way to count it is “Slow, Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick”. It’s 4/4 time signature.

In the first video you’ll learn 2 most popular Cha Cha basic steps. Right below it you will learn the progressive basic step, another popular cha cha step.

Cha cha is a fun, flirtatious dance with playful energy. It's a blend of other Latin dances, especially mambo and rumba. The major difference between cha cha and mambo/rumba is a triple step (cha cha cha) that replaces the slow step.

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Quick intro

Cha cha is widely recognizable by its catchy rhythm – one, two, cha, cha, cha. It's easy to learn and fun to dance.

Like so many Latin dances, it originates from Cuba. It was developed by the Cuban composer and violinist Enrique Jorrin in the middle of 1950s. Originally it was known as a slowed-down mambo or "the triple mambo", because of the three quick steps. It gained instant popularity due to its simplicity. In time it evolved into a separate dance and although it was originally known as the cha-cha-cha, the name was shortened to the cha-cha.

Did you know: Bruce Lee, the famous movie star and one of the greatest legends in martial arts, was also an accomplished Latin dancer. He won the Hong Kong Cha Cha Championship in 1958, when he was 18 years old.

Cha cha can be danced to almost any music with a good beat, from traditional Latin rhythms to club music, from country to pop. It's popularity can be heard in the music of Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, Tom Jones, Carlos Santana, and many others. Cha cha is very much a dance of today.

Basic steps

Cha cha music is composed in 4/4 time (four beats to a bar of music). For each bar of music there are 2 slow and 3 quick steps, which may be counted as – one, two, cha, cha, cha or step, step, step, quick step, quick step. The footwork is simple and mostly focuses on just shifting weight from one foot to another.

Remember, five steps are taken to four beats of music. Also don't forget that the movements tend to be somewhat flirtatious. This is definitely a party dance!

Instructions & Diagrams:

Partners face each other. Gentleman starts with the left foot, lady starts with the right foot. Basic ballroom hold.

Basic Side Step for Men

Basic cha cha top ten steps and routine

  1. Sidestep to the left with your left foot
  2. Step backward & left with your right foot
  3. Left foot in place, weight shifts to it
  4. Sidestep to the right with your right foot
  5. Move your left foot to your right foot
  6. Sidestep to the right with your right foot
  7. Step forward & right with your left foot
  8. Right foot in place, weight shifts to it
  9. Sidestep to the left with your left foot
  10. Move your right foot to your left foot

Basic Side Step for Women

Basic cha cha top ten steps and routine

  1. Sidestep to the right with your right foot
  2. Step forward & right with your left foot
  3. Right foot in place, weight shifts to it
  4. Sidestep to the left with your left foot
  5. Move your right foot to your left foot
  6. Sidestep to the right with your left foot
  7. Step backward & left with your right foot
  8. Left foot in place, weight shifts to it
  9. Sidestep to the right with your right foot
  10. Move your left foot to your right foot


In this video Leon and Kim will first show you the basic step done "in place" and then with the side step:

OK, now that we have the basic steps under our belt, let's explore further. In the following video Jaimee and Mark will show you the whole range of cha cha figures, starting, of course, with the basic:

Where to go next?

As you've seen in the second video, there's a lot that cha cha has to offer. To get to that next level we recommend these video lessons »


  • 2 Basic Movements
  • Hand to Hand
  • Forward Lock
  • New York
  • Spot Turn
  • Hand to Hand
  • Forward Lock
  • New York
  • Spot Turn


  • Chasse to Left
  • 3 Cha Cha Cha's (Forward)
  • Ronde Basic
  • Twist Chasse
  • Time Step (Guapucha Timing)
  • RF Cuban Break
  • 1 LF Cuban Break
  • Step Forward - High Cross [Hold]
  • Ronde
  • 2 Zig Zag
  • 2 x 2 Walks and Forward Lock
  • Hockey Stick Ending


Vaughan and Alison are 4 time World Professional 10 dance representatives for Australia, owners of The International Dance Studio, accredited coaches, and founders of; DSI-London.TV & Ballroom Mastery. They have a passion for dance and want to help you become the best dancer you can be and have an amazing time doing it.



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What are the basic dance steps?


Bleking step heel-place, close 1,2..

Touch step point, close 1,2..

Close step step, close 1,2..

Hop step step, hop 1,2..

Cross step step, cross or cross, step 1,2..

Change step step, close, step 1 and 2..

Contraganza step leap, cross-step, step 1 and 2..

Habanera step step, close, step 1, 2 and..

What are the 4 basic elements of cha

So just to recap, the four elements of the cha-cha basic were; walking steps, forward, backward, sidesteps and the fourth element, the rock step.

What are the basic steps in cha

Instructions & Diagrams:.

Sidestep to the left with your left foot..

Step backward & left with your right foot..

Left foot in place, weight shifts to it..

Sidestep to the right with your right foot..

Move your left foot to your right foot..

Sidestep to the right with your right foot..

Step forward & right with your left foot..