Aspects of Holistic Development developing the whole person


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Holistic Development includes Physiological, Cognitive, Psychological, Social and Spiritual Development that has a connection to one another because the meaning of Holistic Development is the process of self-actualization and learning that combine s an individuals mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth.

The Aspects of Holistic Development are Physiological Development which refers to the development of body changes which make an adolescent uncomfortable and self-conscious, Cognitive Development that means to attain thinking skills and most of the adolescent are beginning to thing form concrete to abstract terms and able to create conceptual theoretical ideas and be able to think how can he/she solve the problems logically and scientifically, it happens in social, emotional and moral development. The Psychological Development refers to generate ideas how a certain adolescent changes in the way of thinking, emotions, feelings, moods, and manner, through this development adolescent undergo a process of self-evaluation that leads to maturity, emotional independence, etc. During this stage of development adolescents are slowly realizing their role in the society and establish realistic goals in life. The Social Development refers to the reliance of an individual to peers more than their family but in late stage of adolescence an individual began to establish healthy relationship with their family and their friend or love ones. The Spiritual Development pertains to having interest in spiritual concerns such as the existence of God, the essence of life and what is my purpose? This developmental stage signals the curiosity of what is it like in after death and having belief in God and some of the adolescent began to seek answers regarding life.

Thoughts are cognitive it is your personal reasoning or ideas in a certain situation. Feeling is the state of consciousness that is from emotions and desires. Behavior pertains to the manner made by an individual based on their classical conditioning. Adolescent experience a lot of trouble regarding Thoughts, Feelings & Behavior like how do they cope up with their behavior problems like being a self-righteous individual and he cant think logically because he lacks of information and experience. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is used as psychotherapy to help an individual to understand the link between thoughts and feelings.


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